Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Travis Brutal Attack of Charla Nash Demonstrates That Having Chimps As Pets Is Nothing To Monkey Around About Update 5-27-10

A while back, Legal Pub published an article concerning the revenge of animals. Now, with the latest chimp attack, one must consider whether animals are becoming more vicious in their attacks. In Connecticut, a woman was severely injured by a pet chimpanzee. Travis, the chimp was like a child to his owner, Sandra Herold.

Sandra Herold, 70, called 911 as the chimp attacked her friend, Charla Nash, age 55. Is Travis just another temperamental television star? After all, he has appeared in television commercials for Coca-Cola and Old Navy. Nash has injuries to her face, neck and hands. The attack was unprovoked and "brutal."Watch owner call to police »

Nash was at the house to help get Travis back in his home. Travis had escaped by using a key. Travis was shot and killed by police. He weighed around 200 pounds and was 14 years old.
Chimps may not be the best pets. Jeff Corwin on the dangers of chimps

Travis was not dumb. He reportedly walked around town, sometimes without a leash. He was able to surf the Internet and was able to change the TV channel with a remote. He also watered plants, was able to feed hay to horses. He ate at a table with the rest of the family and sometimes even drank wine from a glass. Nash is still hospitalized with severe injuries. The remains of Travis are now being studied in a handful of labs to determine what caused his behavior.
Update 3-18-09: The family of Charla Nash has filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages from the owner of the primate in Stamford Superior Court in Connecticut. The plaintiffs allege that Sandra Herold, the owner, was negligent and reckless in her ownership of a wild animal. Attorneys allege that Sandra possessed the chimpanzee without taking adequate precautions to ensure the safety of others, and that she knew the chimp had a history of violent and erratic behavior.
Update 5-27-10: Facing a wrongful death lawsuit and life without Travis, Sandra Herold left this world. She died of aneurysm in Connecticut this week. May she rest in peace.


  1. This was a brutal attack!

  2. These animals are meant to be wild not kept in cages or in homes.

  3. The Humane Society should take an interest in these type of cases where wild animals are kept as pets.

  4. Well listen folks, I have dated some apes before myself. And, let me tell you, when they act like animals, sometimes the police are needed.


  5. A totally avoidable tradegy. This was a wild animal that belonged with his own kind. To train him to act human, isolate him from the life he should have had, and perform for humans was exploitation of the worst kind and now an innocent woman's life will never be the same if she survives. Owners of wild animals do these animals a disservice and can endanger the community they live in. For God's sake, at 14 the chimp was going through puberty when hormones rage and had had lyme disease which, given the apes close proximity to humans, could have been having side effects, not to mention the drug he was given in tea. While I feel sorry for the owner, she needs to accept responsibility for all of this, as does any municipality that allows the keeping of wild animals by laypeople who don't know what they are doing.

  6. I agree with the above. Shoot the captors not the captees.

  7. This is yet another crystal clear example of the fact that we are now living in a secular progressive liberal 'Its all about me & my civil rights mentality". The state is equally to blame for allowing this woman to keep a wild animal in her home while endangering others. Why doesnt Peta get as outraged about this as they did about Michael Vick. This is far worse in my opinon that Vicks case.!!

  8. True Dat anon. State should not allow this crap and then come down so hard on brother Vic

  9. Worse than Michael Vick? I don't think so. Criminal charges against the chimp owner and a state mandate against non-domesticated animals? Maybe a good idea. Clearly no one anticipated this tragedy. That's a far cry from intentionally causing suffering and death to hundreds of dogs.

  10. Both cases involve cruelty to animals...

  11. Charla is at the Cleveland Clinic. she may need a face transplant. It appears that she may also have some brain damage, presumably from so much blood loss. This is a horrible tragedy.

  12. this is the reason for a National Primate Safety Act!

  13. Update 3-18-09: The family of Charla Nash has filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages from the owner of the primate in Stamford Superior Court in Connecticut. The plaintiffs allege that Sandra Herold, the owner, was negligent and reckless in her ownership of a wild animal. Attorneys allege that Sandra possessed the chimpanzee without taking adequate precautions to ensure the safety of others, and that she knew the chimp had a history of violent and erratic behavior.

  14. She apparently lost at least one of her eyes, her jaw and her chin in this grusome attack.

  15. I like your "no monkeying around" approach to this story.

  16. Where is the stance taken by folks against animal cruelty of humans?

  17. Update 5-27-10: Facing a wrongful death lawsuit and life without Travis, Sandra Herold left this world. She died of aneurysm in Connecticut this week. May she rest in peace
