Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mayor Gary Becker of Racine Wisconsin Is Entitled To A Presumption of Innocence Until Otherwise Proven

There are probably only a few things worse in life then accusations of child molestation or child pornography. Such allegations should never be thrown around lightly. Gary Becker, former mayor of Racine Wisconsin is charged with soliciting someone he believed to be a minor girl. Becker has plead not guilty. He was arraigned on Tuesday and if convicted, could face up to 164 years in prison. District Attorney Michael Nieskes indicates that the state is actively pursuing the case.

Becker was still mayor at the time of his arrest last month. According to allegations, Becker was allegedly meeting a person he thought was a 14-year-old girl. The two had chatted on line. However, the alleged "14 year old girl" was actually an officer posing as a teen according to Bill Kosh, a spokesman for the Wisconsin attorney general's office.The investigation begin after Becker brought his personal computer into the mayor's office for repair. A computer technician allegedly discovered six pornographic images of girls possibly under age according to the criminal complaint. The technician discussed the photos with local law enforcement officers, and they turned the case over to the state's child Internet crimes task force.

Further investigation apparently uncovered other pornographic images of girls believed to be underage. At some point during an Internet chat with the officer posing as a 14 year old girl, Becker allegedly agreed to meet the girl at a shopping mall. Becker resigned from office after his arrest. He faces the following charges: child enticement, possession of child pornography, exposing a child to harmful materials, attempted second-degree sexual assault of a child, use of a computer to facilitate a child sex crime and misconduct in public office.

Gary Becker is presumed innocent until otherwise proven by a court of law. These are serious charges and there may be defenses such as chain of custody, others having access to his computer and even entrapment. If guilty, he should be punished. But given the stigma and penalty for such crimes, the presumption of innocence should not be abandoned.


  1. Did he have finger print technology on his computer? Did more than one person have access to his computer? Could the images have been planted by somone? Could the images been accidently downloaded without his knowledge? Could his presence at the mall been totally innocent?

  2. Does not sound too well for the mayor.

  3. Good questions... but the chat and showing up at the mall are too big of a coincidence for some of us highlanders...

  4. Child porn is so gross! I could not be a fair juror.

  5. Perverts (after conviction) should face stiff penalties inside the walls of prison.

  6. Are you suggesting that fellow inmates will not spare him their rod or staff?

  7. Are you suggesting that fellow inmates will not spare him their rod or staff?

  8. Gary looks a little creepy... I hope the charges are not true.

  9. Illinois has nothing over Wisconsin.

  10. I think that presumption of innocence is very important in all cases but especially in these type of cases. The allegation definately doesn't make it so. Having said that, the images that were on his computer could have been placed by someone else, I imagine forensic will play a big part in determining that. However, even if it couldn't be established he put the pics there he did respond to the online invitation to meet a young girl at the mall. That doesn't look good at all!
    anon 8:00 and 9:59- provided he is convicted that is FUNNY!

  11. I would have trouble being a fair and impartial juror too.

    This is beyond gross!!!!

    I've already written him off based soley on his response to the online invitation and him showing up at the mall!!

    Thats more than a coincidence!!

  12. My three year old saw his photo on legal pub and said, 'Who is that scary man.?'

  13. He is not even in jail, he is in a "sex treatment" facility asking for more "help". Of course he wants "help" so he can stay there in Pennsylvania. OLD MEN should not want to have sex with young girls!!!!!!!! Illegal anyway you put it. WHY IS HE NOT IN JAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sex Crimes will not go away until people wake up and take action against the people trying to have sex with our children!!!! Wake up people!

  14. Sex offenders against children should be castrated! Seriously.
