Monday, February 23, 2009

Kenzie Marie Houk Shot To Death By Her Boyfriend's 11 Year Old Son?

Children grow up way too fast. Especially too fast when their mug shot hits the press. For example, an 11-year-old boy (Jordan Brown) is is being charged as an adult in the murder of his father's pregnant girlfriend. Worse then that, Kenzie Marie Houk was shot to death in her own bed with the child's shotgun. Houk, 26 years old, was was eight months pregnant. This Western Pennsylvania family will never be the same.

Lawrence County District Attorney John Bongivengo will be pursing the 11 year old juvenile as an adult. (Any one over the age of 10 accused of murder or homicide is charged as an adult in Pennsylvania.) Houk's 4-year-old daughter apparently found her mom shot to death in her bed and informed workers near the home. Watch Community Reaction.

If convicted, Jordan Brown of Wampum, faces possibly life in prison. For more information about this 20 gauge shotgun slaying, see: WTAE: Boy Kills Dad's Pregnant Girlfriend.
The 11 year old is represented by Dennis Elisco, a public defender.

In the mean time, Lawrence County Warden Charles Adamo has told the press that his 300-inmate jail cannot take care of Jordan Brown. I suppose his parents can't either...


  1. This makes me sick.

  2. What is an 11 year old doing with his own shot gun?

  3. OMG! This just gets worse with each case. Now a baby just ready to be born is a victim too. This is what(?), the third incident like this in the last six months?

    How many children still have access to firearms? I wonder after each of these incidents, do the parents of kids who are armed say, my child wouldn't do that?

    I know there are people who like to hunt and teach their kids to do the same. While that isn't my choice, I know some who do and they are fine people and good citizens.....BUT DO NOT GIVE CHILDREN UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO FIREARMS> EVER!

  4. Kids with guns kill. Plain and simple!

  5. Kids with guns kill. Plain and simple!

  6. Who gives their 11 year-old a shotgun for Christmas?

  7. Those who want the 11 year old to shoot it...

  8. Many do. I gave my 9 year old a rifle for Christmas…and she loves it. But I won’t be drawn to far down an inappropriate path. The issue is the mindset to kill, not so much the gun.

    Once he decided to kill, going to the kitchen, getting a knife, and slitting her throat as she slept would do just as well. So would dad’s carpet knife in the shed. Although the unrestricted access to the gun is part of the problem, the killing is a direct product of his demented mind.

    The killing is correlated with the shotgun, not causally linked to it. There’s a difference.

    I hate to say it, but…

    Range me.


  9. L.S.- I respect your right to your opinion, but we may just have to agree to disagree on this one.

    In my mind there is a difference between standing back and pulling a trigger and hands on slitting someones throat....for one thing with the latter the victim could have woke up and tried to defend herself.

    I do agree about the mindset to kill, but also question whether a young child can actually grasp the finality of their actions. jmho

  10. guns don't kill. people and ignorance is what kill.

  11. I don’t know if there’s too much disagreement here.

    I agree that there’s a difference between shooting and stabbing. But it’s a difference without a real impactful distinction. They are chosen methods to kill. Killing is killing. The weapon is the mind.

    And don’t question to much the ability of an 11 year old to grasp the finality of their actions. They know what death is.

    He’s pulled fish off of the line, killed them, cleaned them, and ate them. He knows what death is.

    He’s had a loving pet die and he’s buried them. He knows what death is.

    He’s had a grandmother die and not make cookies anymore. He knows what death is.

    These are suppositions of course, but he knows what death is…that’s why he killed her!

    And as an aside, I firmly believe that views to the contrary are throwbacks (kind of like our juvenile justice system) to the days when there was no internet, no violent TV, and violent video games, kids led a sheltered life until very close to adulthood, and both mom and dad stood by with ethics, morality, respect for others, etc. and took an interest in actually raising their kids.

    Kind of sad.


  12. Gotta agree with L.S. here. The days when parents were parents are long gone. And that aint right.


  13. Just allegations at this point...
