Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why I Did Not Marry and Why I Do Not Eat Peanuts ~By Blond Bombshell

I was recently at a premiere all doll up but very much alone. While I had a handsome Hollywood escort, it simply is not the same. After the premiere I went through an old box of memorabilia in order to refresh my recollection of just why I did not marry my handsome legal fiance. At the bottom of the box, my wedding invitation said it all...
Going a head with a known disaster is almost criminal. If the latest allegation about the knowledge of peanut butter being contaminated with salmonella is true, it is equally criminal in my view.
The maker of peanut butter tainted with salmonella apparently shipped the salmonella apparently sent it out to consumers even though they knew it had tested positive for the bacteria. The FDA apparently confirmed salmonella in a Blakely, Georgia plant. The Peanut Corporation of America's own testing program found strains of salmonella 12 times in 2007 and 2008. When FDA inspectors visited the plant this month, they reported finding more salmonella contamination according to a recent inspection. Inspection report. To see violations look here: Violations.
Most feel that once salmonella is found in a product, the entire production should be destroyed. Apparently that did not happen. That means, some should pay for the people that have been harmed by the tainted product.
Not every peanut manufacturer is to blame. Here is a list of companies not implicated in the recall:
In the meantime, if you have peanuts, throw them instead of rice at the next wedding you attend.


  1. Shell, so true about in laws...

  2. Ha! I love it!!! . . . and so true!

  3. This peanut company is in for a huge law suit!

    Dollar Bill

  4. Shell you are brilliant!


  5. Why the editing problems today?

  6. Not Shell's fault. Sometimes the Google format translates into posts with less aesthetic appeal. Shell was asked to write on the peanut problem and took it upon herself to open a forum up to nut and marriage remarks. Have at it.

  7. What is the difference between a wife and a Christmas tree? A christmas tree still looks good when the lights are turned on!

    Take that Shell, you man hating


  8. Shell is just challenged when it comes to men...

    Who could compete with a woman who is rich, makes tons of money and could turn you into a toad with a blink of an eye?

  9. Shell is just challenged when it comes to men...

    Who could compete with a woman who is rich, makes tons of money and could turn you into a toad with a blink of an eye?

  10. You know, I just have a view of marriage similar to men:

    Marriage is just like peeing in your pants, it is a warm comfortable feeling at first, but after a while, it turns real nasty.


  11. I thought this was about why the peanut people should not have sent out the tainted product. Now I realize, it's just plain about being "nuts."

  12. So Shell,
    Are you allergic to peanuts? to marriage? or just those pesky inlaws?
    Even if it's just the latter, I'd try and avoid all 3 right now.

  13. Katfish, I think I am allergic to all three. More important, marriage is a career buster for most of us in the business. So, on valentines day, my agents and attorneys send me flowers and candy (diet no cal) and event tickets and tell me to have a real pleasant (lonely) day.


  14. I love that wedding invitation!!! Its F-ing brilliant!!!

    I'm with you Shell, marriage is self abuse!!!

    Can you believe peanut butter is dangerous? Whats next??

  15. Men are nuts.

    I am alergic to nuts.

    Men's nuts make me especially sick

    Therefore, I stay with my own kind.

