Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Was Sara Madrid Shot Eight Times By Her Son Because She Verbally and Physically Abused The Boy? ~by Legal Pub

Arizona may have gotten a little hotter recently. Controvery can do that to any area. Last week an Arizona judge found a 12-year-old boy guilty of murdering his mother, Sara Madrid. Apparently, the boy shot his mother eight times after he got into an argument with his mom over chores. The Cochise County Superior Court judge ruled prosecutors showed the boy acted intentionally when he shot his mother last year. Consequently, the boy was found guilty of premeditated murder.

Sara Madrid was found dead outside of her home last August. The boy's attorney, Sandford Edleman, argued that his client did not mean to kill his mom. Rather, the boy allegedly was only responding to verbal and physical abuse by his mom. On the day in question, the two argued over chores. The boy got a .22 caliber pistol from his moms closet and waited for her return outside of their home. When his mom returned, the boy shot her eight times. The mom's live in boyfriend, Alfonso Munoz, allegedly witnessed the shooting. Munoz had taught the boy to shoot the gun but had instructed him that it was only in case of emergencies.

The unidentified boy is scheduled to be sentenced on Jan. 23. Judge James Conlogue ruled the case should remain in juvenile court after hearing testimony from a psychiatrist and a psychologist which allegedly supported the boy's claim of verbal and physical abuse. The experts also pontificated that the young man could be rehabilitated in the juvenile justice system.

Madrid's sister allegedly testified on her nephew's behalf by saying that the victim never wanted the boy to live with her. Madrid's sister also claimed that Sara Madrid referred to the boy as "stupid and dumb."

Gregory Johnson a Deputy County Attorney led the prosecution.


  1. I think she did abuse him. If you abuse an animal or a child, they will fight back.

  2. I am so sick of the attorneys always playing the abuse card. Look at Winkler. She literally got off with murder by claiming abuse.


    I think it should take more then a couple of so called experts to create a defense of "I couldn't help it... I was abused."


  3. Abuse is in the eyes of the beholder.

  4. I think it is just lazy kids who no longer have any respect for adults.

  5. This is a trajedy all the way around. Question: If he was being "emotionally/physically abused", why didn't aunt notify authorities?

  6. This is an insult to motherhood!

    Do you know why it could not have been 3 moms that were the wise people who visited Jesus?

    Because if they had been moms, they would have stopped and asked for directions, got there on time so to assist in the delivery, and they would have brought practical gifts for the parents and child.


  7. Never give someone "stupid and dumb" access to a gun. Dah.

  8. Sara Madrid most likely did physically and mentally abuse the boy, but if he wasn't given access to a gun and been taught how to use it he wouldn't have been able to shoot her.
    Good question about the aunt, Ms Calabaza, woulda coulda shoulda.


  10. Abuse can trigger some awful things including violence.

  11. First things first, abuse or no abuse, that boy is crazy as hell!!!

    Good poing Ms C. The aunt should have reported the abuse.

    Katfish, I have to agree. If they didnt have a gun, he wouldn't have been able to shoot her.

    He's NUTS!

  12. Guns don't kill. People kill

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I agree that guns don't kill people, people kill people....but when a child is given free access to a firearm, I think we should not be surprised when the worst happens, whether accidental or on purpose.

  15. This kid seems messed up. If not a gun, he may have used a knife. Maybe a gun was more mercy...

    Of course, he could be completely innocent too...

  16. I agree.... I think he would have found another way to kill her.

    If this kid is completely innocent, my favorite color is gonna turn pink in the sky.

    He's psycho!!!!

    You're only suppose to wish hateful s***t on your parents. You're never suppose to act on it.

  17. But stupid is as stupid does.

  18. Everyone should just shut the heck up and mind your own damn business. Even if parents raise there children right they still do ****
