Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Facebook Can Be A Tool For Law Enforcement

New Zealand police may be on the cutting edge. Listen up, crooks. New Zealand police arrested a would-be burglar after they posted security camera images of him trying to break into a safe on Facebook. The suspect removed his balalava providing a good photo opportunity for the security camera. Queenstown police claim this is their first Facebook arrest. The police department actually has its own Facebook site.

The 21-year-old Facebook star allegedly broke into a local pub through the roof. He tried to open the safe using an angle grinder. After about an hour, he gets too hot and takes his gloves and balaclava off. Unable to open the safe, he gives up and prepares to leave. The police then post the surveillance camera photos on their own Facebook page. By the next day, the man is recognized and arrested. The suspect has been charged with two counts of burglary.

Is Facebook the next crime stopping tool? In November, Facebook was used to help a seafood restaurant owner in Melbourne to identify five customers who dined and then bolted without paying the $323 bill. One of the suspects asked about a former waitress. The waitress allowed the restaurateur to look through her friend's list on Facebook. From the Facebook, the owner was able to identify one of the bolters. In the states, Facebook has been used to identify underage drinkers and parole violaters who post their own photos on the popular site. So is everyone really so much cooler on line?


  1. I am in favor of anything that reduces crime.


  2. Do you think rocket scientists have Facebook pages? Just wondering.

  3. Actually, facebook is gaining popularity among middle aged adults!

    Iron Mike

  4. I love facebook. Its an upscale myspace.

    I think that anyone stupid enough to break the law and then document it and post it online needs some slaps!!!! Thats dumb as hell. They deserve to go to jail.

    Right on Shell. Stop crime by any means necessary.

  5. Off the subject....

    Have you guys ever seen this blog

    curious what you guys think of it.

  6. Can't get on with work computer because our filter blocks any profanity.

  7. Can I be your facebook buddy?

  8. face book blocked at my work period.

  9. "face book is growing so quickly" THAT soon almost everybody will be on it.

  10. Soon it won't be normal not to have a face book, my space or twitter!
