Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rao Devi Gives Birth At Age 70 While A Texas 4 Year Old Enjoys Toys At 3:00 a.m.

Christmas is a time when children make news. Afterall, over 2000 years ago a child named Jesus was born. His birthday makes headlines each year around this time of year. Another child is also making headlines. Rao Devi just had a baby daughter. What makes this birth different is that Rao Devi is 70 years old. She underwent invitro fertilization at the Hisar fertility clinic in India. This daughter was her first child. She was born on November 28, 2008. She and her husband had been childless during their 50 years of marriage.

Mean while, another child makes headlines in Texas. A Family Dollar Store in Beaumont, Texas was recently the subject of a burglar alarm. Police responded to the store's alarm only to find a 4-year-old boy playing with toys. "When the officers got there, he was showing them his toys." The boy apparently unlocked the front door of his family home at 3:00 a.m and walked across a highway to the store. Surveilance video shows the child rattling the locked door and entering the store through a second door which was not locked. A family member who discovered out looking for the little boy. Child Protective Services took custody of the child, but he will be allowed to stay with relatives until their investigation is complete.

For those wanting even more dirt, a story about a YouTube video allegedly of a parent swinging a baby can be located here: http://www.parentdish.com/2008/12/16/man-arrested-for-posting-baby-swinging-video/?icid=200100397x1215571860x1201010051


  1. 70 is too old for kids!

  2. I bet seeing a kid in the store was a surprise.

  3. Two very strange stories! What is this couple thinking at 70? Will they live to see the kid play t-ball?

  4. Not sure they play t-ball in India. I think the game is cricket, Ms. C.


  5. Not sure about the game cricket, but the baby swinging video appears to be similar to "dwarf toss."

  6. its child abuse if true

  7. 70 is waaaay to old to have a baby. Forget about cricket or t-ball - will they live long enough to see the first tooth?! Hope they have good child-care help available 24/7, they'll need it.

    Couldn't get the baby swinging video to come up - If it's real, it's endangerment if not abuse - A baby's muscles arent' strong enough to support their body weight. Stupid and dangerous stunt.

  8. colleency is 100% right!

  9. Surprised at that age she remembers what sex entails...

  10. I am almost that old and i STILL remember... just can't do anything about it is all.

  11. Age is just a state of mind...

    and you gottaa be nuts to have kids at that age...

  12. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  13. The IVF clinic post above is allowed to stand because the post is some what on topic.
