Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President Elect Obama Sybolizes Hope In 2009

Today can be no day without recognizing Barack Obama for his historic triumph. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, you must recognize that President Elect Obama symbolizes the American Dream that anything is possible. Was the election result a surprise? Certainly not. Ask Republican insiders when they knew the fight was lost. Most will volunteer that as soon as McCain's stopped campaigning during the financial crisis. Saving the economy was never going to be a strong point for Senator McCain who'd said earlier it was not his strong suit. His bid to get in front with a dramatic departure from the campaign trail was a huge miscalculation. This did nothing to quash concerns about his judgment and leadership abilities. (Ticking off David Letterman was a huge mistake when Oprah was already in the Obama camp!) Defeat was never guaranteed. But from the sound of his excellent concession speech, he took a long time preparing for it.


  1. Yes we can! And we did!


  2. We now have an Obamanation!


  3. McCain (R) 46% 55,386,310
    Obama (D) 52% 62,443,218
    Barr (I) 0% 480,180
    Nader (I) 1% 641,044

    The popular vote was not even close!

  4. It was the comedian vote that put Obama over the top. LOL

  5. I pray Obama will prove my opinion of him wrong. I hope he can unite us as a nation and keep our democracy in tact. As long as he keeps his promise to do this, I will be behind him. When or if he does not, I will be the first one to call him on it ... over ... and over ... and over ...

    God Bless America.

  6. The Obamafication has begun.

    The sense of pride I feel right now is overwhelming!!!

    It a new day baby!!!!

  7. Russia is very pleased with your choice for President. You are moving into the direction of a friendly more socialistic society of which we approve.

    Comrad Verhov

  8. Kenyia celebrates the home of Barak Obama by dancing in the streets...

  9. Congratulations Mr. President Elect. Baby steps toward reform, Mr. President Elect.

    Now as for your next nominee to the Supreme Court...

    Hillary P.

  10. Oprah for Secretary of the Interior!

  11. Throw Legal Pub's name in for Attorney General!

    Joey C.

  12. Just saw a very morose fellow on the street still wearing his "NoBama" t-shirt. give it up already, the election's over!

    McCain's concession speech should be the model for his followers.

  13. Alabama is for OBama because if you put a G in front of Obama it is Go Bama! We love you Barack!

    Bama Girls 2008

  14. Russia has won the new cold war without ever firing a shot!

  15. Obama has already made his impact felt on the stock market. US stocks dropped 10% since he was elected, when normally the market rises since there is less uncertainty about America's leadership. I wonder what investors are thinking about the election results?
