Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Michel Lapointe Knows Where The Beef Is... More Importantly, He Knows That Beef Can Buy You An Early Release!

For some folks, weight has always been a problem. But for some, being overweight can translate into preferential treatment. Michel Lapointe may fit that category. He weights 430-pounds. He was serving time in a Canadian prison but was released early because the facility could not accommodate his massive frame.

The Quebec Parole Board sided with Michel's claims that he just did not fit in the prison scene. Given his good behavior and what could be legitimate health concerns, Michel received early parole. "Big Mike," as he's known, was in the joint for conspiracy and drug trafficking. Rumor has it he celebrated his early release by a great meal.
For the next few days Legal Pub will be catching up on new law for 2009. So don't expect a new post for a few days.


  1. He is a big man! Bet he does need special treatment.

  2. Imagine that, Legal Pub actually concentrating on the law! Hurry back!

  3. Ladies take note...

    This is why you cant let big men go down on you.....cause they keep eating and eating and eating and eating and eating........

    Next thing you know you're "vajay jays" all gone.

    Hurry back Legal. This has become an addiction for me.

  4. Hey Legal Pub, I'm with secrets, I will miss your posts.
    When researching new law if you come across anything on Indiana v. Edwards I would be interested. I know it's a Supreme Court ruling having to do with competentcy issues. This case was brought up in court the other day in the Nicholas Sheley case.
    Thanks! I appreciate your efforts and your sense of humor!

  5. LP,

    you will be missed. To you and your readers HAPPY THANKSGIVING. May you all enjoy your families and don't eat too much. :~)

  6. I hear the rumbling in the background... some new articles are coming. L.P. and gang have been discussing 2009 with some Federal Judges and lots of Appellate Court justices. Look for a scholarly article on Judicial cannons of ethics real soon.

    Legal Eagle 7

  7. That is using the old noggin... I mean stomach!

  8. Secret, you are sexy!
