Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Passengers Overcome Would Be Hijacker

Advice to hijackers: It will no longer work. Passengers will no longer just sit back and do nothing. Lessons from 911 have carried on throughout the world. For example, A drunk hijacker threatened a Turkish Airlines flight to Russia. The passengers brought the would be hijacker under control. The Turkish Airlines jet was flying from Turkey to Russia when the would be hijacker made his gross miscalculation. There is no official word as to how the passengers brought the hijacker under control, but behind closed doors the words seem to translate into "good old fashion butt beating."

The flight was apparently transporting 164 Russian nationals. This is not the first hijack attempt. In August 2007, two men hijacked an Istanbul-bound flight with a claim they had a bomb. The crew landed in Antalya. Both hijackers surrendered to Turkish authorities.
In April 2007, Mehmed Goksin Gol, attempted to hijack 178 passengers and crew aboard the Pegasus Airlines flight. The flight landed at Ankara's airport, and the suspect was detained.
In October 2005, a Turkish man hijacked a Turkish jet and forced it to fly to a military airfield in Brindisi, Italy. No passengers or crew were injured.

Message: hijacking does not work. Use violence and the passengers will fight back.


  1. Good for them!It is about time people started kicking some @ss!

  2. Apparently the drunk idiot was a moving swaying target but he still got his...

  3. Awesome! The days of people sitting idly by while terrorist or (drunken fools) do their dirty work are over. Let's roll.

  4. Chalk one up for the good guys, Ms. C.


  5. Althoug it seems pretty effective to walk into a university with a gun and do some major damage.

    It's time to teach our kids that they can stand up as well, rather than hide and do nothing while their friends are slaughtered.

  6. I'm rarely relaxed when I have to fly. Partially because of scary ass stories like this one.

  7. Yup, time to fight back. If a criminal pulls a gun, shoot back people!
