Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Troy Davis Stayed Execution But Richard Henyard Dies Of Lethal Injection

One of the reasons why this country is so great is because our judicial system works. Specifically, Troy Davis will get a new trial instead of execution; whereas, Richard "Ric Ric" Henyard was put to death. To mostly a crowd of cheers, the U.S. Supreme Court decision to grant a reprieve to Georgia inmate, Troy Davis, two hours before his scheduled execution was announced. Davis was originally convicted of the 1989 slaying of Mark MacPhail, an off-duty police officer. McPhail had been working as a security guard. He was attempting to help a homeless man who had been pistol whipped when he was shot and killed. The shooter was originally identified as Davis who was with two other men.

Troy Davis, 39, learned of the stay while watching t.v. Supporters of Davis have argued that he deserves a new trial because seven of the nine witnesses have recanted their testimony. "This is not over yet," announced Davis to a sea of reporters. "This is the beginning of my blessing." Supporters of Davis include the Rev. Al Sharpton, Davis' sister, Martina Correia, former President Jimmy Carter and South Africa Archbishop Desmond Tutu. ity. The basis of the new trial is that in addition to seven witnesses recanting their testimony, three others say Sylvester "Red" Coles (who testified against Davis) allegedly confessed to the killing.

A different result occurred in Florida where Richard "Ric Ric" Henyard, 34, was executed by lethal injection after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to grant him a stay. Henyard was convicted of killing two sisters — 7-year-old Jamilya Lewis and Jasmine Lewis, 3. Their mother, Dorothy Lewis, survived several gun shots after being carjacked and raped. Both girls, were shot in the head. Not nearly as many protesters supported the cold hearted Henyard.


  1. Davis, even if he was not the trigger man, was still part of the crime. If he does not get death, he still deserves a lot of prison time, right?

  2. Henyard is cold. Florida has the right idea on timely executions.

  3. I just don't agree with the death penalty. I do believe in life in prison - no exceptions and no frills. Believe me, in my prison they would prefer death.

  4. I believe you. But sometimes life in prison does not provide closure for the victim's families.

  5. Two different cats with two different fates, linked only by their stays on death row.

  6. Surprised some of you support a retrial!

  7. Davis is guilty as hell, just because his ghetto buddies are trying to save his neck at the last minute doesn't change a thing. Hopefully, he'll be frying in hell by this time next week!

  8. U jus prejudice. Cum on dude, u think jus cause he is a brother hes guilty. But it aint so

  9. I attended a protest for Troy Davis in Atlanta and wrote about it here.

    I was glad when I heard about the stay. It's not that I think he's innocent, but due to the lack of a murder weapon and the recanting of eye witness testimony, I don't believe his guilt can be determined.

  10. troy davis must be white becould there are inmates should have died before richard henyard his crime is bad but think of those who been on deathrow and you have not kill them yet i no it want bring those back miss lewis is not going to have good luck if she haded any kind feeling.

  11. Not that it is relevant, but Troy is not white!
