Friday, September 12, 2008

Rose Pizem, Age 4, Victim of A Nasty Family Love Triangle While Saleh Choudhary Is A Victim Of A Bad Lesson Plan?

Israeli police found a suitcase containing the human remains of Rose Pizem, a missing 4-year-old girl, in the Yarkon river in Tel Aviv. Roni Ron, the girl's 45 year old grandfather, allegedly told police he stuffed her body in a suitcase and dumped it in the Yarkon River. Tests will be performed to confirm the identification of the body. The grandfather initially claimed that he accidentally killed Rose when he slapped her. He later allegedly changed his story. Rose's mother, Marie-Charlotte Renault-Pizam, 23, has denied any role in her daughter's disappearance. She told police she thought Ron sent Rose to an institution in France. Police, however, claim that they have evidence of a telephone conversation that proves she knew her daughter was dead. Rose's great-grandmother, Vivienne Yaakov, reported the girl missing in July. She said she had not seen her great-grandchild for about two months. Rose and her mother had been staying with Yaakov. Yaakov said Ron took Rose and she never returned.

The police investigation suggests a twisted family love triangle as there is some evidence to romantically link Marie and Ron. Rose was born in France in 2003. Marie moved to Israel after a custody battle with Rose's father, Benjamin Pizem. At some point, Marie apparently fell in love with Ron, her father in law. Benjamin Pizem told Israel's Haaretz newspaper that his father was manipulative. He remains hopeful that Rose is still alive despite what appears to be the discovery of her remains. This case sounds similar to Caylee Anthony but without the family love triangle!
Closer to home, a Chicago teacher is accused of discriminating against a Pakistani-American student (Saleh Choudhary) whom she requested to assume a role play of a terrorist. Mohmmad Fahad Choudhary, the victim's brother described for the local news the humiliation of his brother. Allegedly the teacher singled out his younger brother in front of his class to assume the role of a terrorist. "She used the example of if Saleh were to go on to an airplane, put his backpack down and put two wires together and the plane were to blow up - and she didn't make a point," said Christina Abraham, Council on American-Islamic Relations. Saleh Choudhary was a sixth grader last April when this incident allegedly took place. "Everybody started teasing him and calling him a terrorist after the comments were made by the teacher," Mohmmad said.
Saleh's family filed a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights. The superintendent of Chicago Public Schools indicates that suspension or possible termination may be considered. The teacher is currently teaching in a different school. The teachers Union cautions that the teacher in question is entitled to due process. Otherwise, folks, it has just been another day as the world turns...


  1. The mom and the daughter look similar to Casey and Caylee...

  2. Bad lesson plan, indeed!

    Former Teacher

  3. Is that just not an attempt to cast characters in role playing? Can this not just be an innocent mistake?

  4. "At some point, Rose apparently fell in love with Ron, her father in law."

    The 4 year old fell in love with her father-in-law?

    WTF, Legal Pub?

  5. I think LP meant Marie. Gawd, the whole thing is so sick...

  6. Thanks for pointing out the correction. The whole thing is rather bizarre even without the typo.

  7. Allegedly the daughter in law- father in law combination produced two children after Rose...

  8. The teachers union to the rescue!

  9. This Rose by any other name would still stink!

  10. That is scary the teacher didn't use much common sense.

  11. The teacher should be fired. Thats reckless and insensitive.

  12. Teachers are human too...

    We give too much credence to worrying about hurting people's feelings.

    Toughen up

