Friday, August 1, 2008

Anton Dunn A Suspect In Baby Food Internet Fraud?

How stupid is racism? Sometimes it appears beyond imagination. Let's sincerely hope that the allegations against Anton Dunn are false. Anton Dunn is accused of posting on the Internet three videos in which someone looking like him threatens poisoning of baby food. Fortunately, Gerber Products Co. and the Food and Drug Administration have found no evidence of tampering with any Gerber products. Second, authorities believe Anton Dunn was responsible for the videos where he supposedly "boasted about the poisonings and said he could not be caught."
Anton Dunn is a 42 year old New Yorker who should have long been "done" with childhood pranks. Dunn was charged with sending threats in interstate commerce and falsely claiming to have tampered with a consumer product. If convicted he faces up to 10 years in prison. He is represented by attorney Sarah Baumgartel. Gerber (Nestle Nutrition) referred to the incident as a "malicious hoax."

The threats appeared on video entitled "gerbersbabyfoodalert" on YouTube.
In the video, a man in a shower stall identified as "Trashman" claimed Gerber employees at his direction had poisoned bottles of baby food. Authorities believe the man in the video was Dunn however, a mask partially covering the face was worn in some of the video. The man also claimed he was trying to kill black and Hispanic babies, though white babies although white babies may also die. According to the video, "Our main reason for doing this is we're trying to cut down on the black population," What makes this whole story even more bizarre is that Dunn is a person of color who should know the evil of racism. Let us sincerely pray that Dunn is innocent (as he is presumed to be) and that whoever created this Internet hoax realizes the stupidity of generating hatred and fear.


  1. What a nasty hoax!

  2. Stupid is as stupid does! No one could be so dense as to think they would not get caught, could they?

  3. This seems like an attempt by someone to spread irrational racism.

  4. why should we all "sincerely pray" he is innocent? why would i hope or pray the arrested individual is innocent, esp. if he did in fact make these threats? if anything, let's pray the process works fairly and completely. if he did it, tough for him. boo hoo.

  5. This is lower than low

  6. Any one wanting to hear the Trashman's tape can email a request to me. Unfortunately it contains a lot of profanity and racial statements. Consequently, I will not post the link on the forum.

  7. This case is no where near "dunne."

  8. IF guilty, this was real LOW!
