Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Susan Atkins (Sadie Mae Glutz) Deserves No Special Mercy - by Legal Eagle 3

While Legal Pub is away trying yet another jury trial, the reins of control were turned over to me for a day. So, let's look at Susan Atkins latest appeal for leniency. Atkins is terminally ill. Spare me if I am not sympathetic. She was a follower of Charles Manson who was convicted in the murder of actress Sharon Tate. Atkins appeal for a mercy release was denied yesterday. Am I being too harsh? Atkins is 60 years old. She has brain cancer. (Perhaps this explains her criminal behavior way back when?) Atkins has also lost a leg to amputation. Atkins petitioned for release on the premises that she has less than six months to live.
Eric P. Lampel is Atkins attorney.

For those who can remember, Atkins nickname among Manson followers was Sadie Mae Glutz. Four individuals and Atkins were convicted in connection with five deaths. Should she pass in prison. No. Let her pass in the prison hospital. It will be a more merciful death then the victims of the Manson crimes received.

Update 9-28-09: Susan Atkins recently died. She allegedly murdered Roman Polanski's wife. Polanski was recently arrested in connection with a conviction for having sex with a 13 year old back in 1977.
Oh how time flies.


  1. I agree number 3. Let her die in a nice comfortable prison hospital bed.


  2. Did she release Tate when she was pleading for Atkins to let her go and screaming for her mother? No she didn't. I hope she has a long and slow death that is excruciating. She doesn't even deserve a prison hospital bed.

  3. Sorry girls but I'm gonna wimp out on you today.
    what she did was absolutely horrible but she claims she was on LSD. That's no excuse but it may explain her evil behavior?!? She's also spent 40 years in prison and she probably only has about 3 months left. I say, let her go home. She's in a wheelchair, half her body is paralyzed and she can barely speak. Let her have a little human contact with her remaining family before she meets her maker. Keeping her in there isn't going to bring her victims back.

  4. I gotta go with Kate on this one. All those Manson creeps should have fried a long, long, time ago. Charlie Manson and his associates are a great commercial for the death penalty every time their faces are on TV.

    I hope Charlie and his friends keep going around looking for leniency, since it makes most people sick and tired of criminals not being punished adequately.

  5. God Bless you Ms. C.! You have a heart. Good for you.


  6. How about wheel her into a swamp and let the bugs and gators have her?

    Mercy is for God. As for me, let her rot!


  7. The gators would get sick. Diseased meat! That would be cruel treatment of reptiles.

  8. Maybe the Tate family should decide her fate.

    Part of me agrees with Ms C. But the cold hearted side of me feels Susan should die the same way Tate did, scared and alone.

  9. Death to those deserving no forgiveness...

  10. "just because Susan Atkins showed no mercy to her victims, are we therefore duty-bound to follow her inhumanity and show no mercy to her?" - Vincent Bugliosi, 2008

  11. I am with Vincent on this one!

  12. My feelings towards Sadie Atkins....sorry Sadie, but you should not be allowed any type of mercy while in this life, you showed NO mercy when you stabbed those poor innocent people over and over again. May God have mercy upon your evil soul.

  13. Sadie is just a sad example of a waste of a human life.

  14. So sad for Sadie

  15. Susan Atkins not have mercy for Sharon Tate or her unborn baby.After 40 years Sadie pleading for mercy .I have mercy for her and I think she could die in a nice bed,at home in comfort.Her sentence was heard and cruel,as a punishment she lost her life to serving her for her victims.She was very punished,40 years in prison is many time.She has a sad story of life.Sorry Susan!!
