Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Nicholas Sheley Charged With Killing Ronald Randall and Suspected of Killing a Total of Eight People? -by J.T. Update 11-27-08

Nicholas Sheley, 28, is in my observation, an animal, if the allegations against him are true. Sheley is accused of beating eight people to death in Missouri and Illinois. Today he appeared in Madison County court in Edwardsville, Illinois. Nicholas Sheley appeared appropriately dressed in what appeared to be a tailor fitted orange jail jumpsuit. Those getting a glimpse of Sheley thought that it was like he was made for his clothing.

Sheley was arrested Tuesday in Granite City, east of St. Louis, Missouri. He was initially held in Granite City on $10 million bail. Watch Sheley being transferred »
Sheley was the top dog at the Granite City jail. (Of course, he was the only dog since he was the sole inmate.) For our legal eagles, the pleadings can be found here: criminal complaint (PDF)

So why might he have done it? Other than being an animal, his violence could be related to his suspected methamphetamine abuse. Or it could just be he wanted to add to his resume which includes a history of arrests and resisting arrest. Ironically, Sheley's apparently gave up without a fight when police arrested him outside a Granite City bar Tuesday night. Sheley is charged with the murder of an elderly man in Whiteside County, Illinois. Sheley faces another charge from Galesburg, Illinois for first-degree murder of, Ronald Randall, a 65-year-old man. Nicholas Sheley appears to be a suspected in six other killings, including that of a child. Six victims in Illinois, two in Missouri. The vicitims all appear to have died from blunt trauma to the head. Sheley apparently has a history of armed violence and resisting arrest.

Sheley also suspected in the death of an Arkansas couple in Festus, Missouri. The couple was in town for a graduation. Sheley is not believed to have had a prior relationship with the couple. Allegedly, Sheley's ex-wife has told authorities that Seley stated, that "... he has more killing to do." I think it unlikely, unless he plans to do his killing in the fashion field, where jail house orange is the current rage.
Update 11-27-08: Follow the link and Katfish has some excellent coverage and has posted the latest motions and orders. KATFISH LINK
Update 11-5-09: Katfish informs us that Nicholas Sheley, the 30 year old Sterling, IL man accused of a June 2008 two-state killing spree, will face trials (to be held in several locations) for the alleged killing spree in the Illinois Department of Corrections. On Friday, October 30, Knox County Circuit Court Judge Stephen Mathers sentenced Sheley to seven years in prison stemming from an incident at the Knox County Jail in April. Sheley was convicted on 3 counts of Aggravated Assault, 1 count of Aggravated Battery and Criminal Damage to Government Property. (Sheley broke apart a metal chair and threw the legs at police and correctional officers.) Sheley also allegedly punched one of them. For full coverage, read KATFISH.


  1. Skum with a capital S!

  2. The State pens are full of these type of animals. It is how the term pig pen started, I think...


  3. What is the evidence agaisnt this guy? Did anyone witness the crimes? Is there any physical evidence? If the answer is yes to the last two questions, then I hope he doesn't call me, I have enough on my plate right now.,WA30_haynes_s1.article


  5. Not publishing entire link. Do a Yahoo search for Delatwon Haynes article on June 30, 2008 in the Lake County News Sun newspaper. That is an interesting case also. I can upload the police deparment internal investigative report if LP is interested. I would be curious if the legal egales on this site think a 2 million dollar bond is justified. (Sorry to go off topic)

  6. Most of the legal scholars are out for a long holiday. So I will have to do. I know little of the facts. $2 million bond for a former Waukegan police officer accused of sexually assaulting and abusing a woman is not all that shocking if there is evidence that Delatwon Haynes is guilty. What evidence of probable cause did they have?

    Was he arrested at the end of June? No bond reduction hearing? From what I read he is facing charges of four counts of aggravated criminal sexual assault, one count of aggravated kidnapping, two counts of aggravated sexual abuse and eight counts of misconduct. Pretty heavy stuff, if true.

    Now, are the charges related to a civil suit against Haynes which was filed last February by a woman who claimed he falsely arrested and then raped her in 2005? If the charges stem from this incident where the woman is suing for $5 million, then the whole credibility issue raises eyebrows.

    Waukegan Police Chief Bill Biang has been less then supportive of Haynes and this further harms the opportunity for Hayne to get a fair trial. That's my two cents Joel.

    Law Dog

  7. sheney should not rot in a prision cell. i think that he should suffer by being put in solitairy conifinement, and then have no visitors. i think he should suffer! my fiences family is having a really hard time with all the court dates that they are having for him in galesberg illinois. all it is doing is prolonging their sadness. cant we just throw him in solitairy confinement and not worry bout him? dont give him ANY interactions with any human. I dont think he should get the opportunity to dwell on the families emotions any longer. If he is going after people while he is in jail right now then this in itself should show you that it was not only the drugs that are affecting his actions. I dont think that he should get away with anything but life in prision! Not the chair or injection. He should not get the honor of going out like that. That is the easy way out. Just think about how all the families are taking this, we shouldnt give him any easy way out!

  8. Thank you for reminding us how crime effects the families and friends of the victims. God Bless and I hope closure brings peace.

  9. On Aug. 6 after the arraignment in Galesburg, WQAD reported that Sheley blew a kiss at their camera as he climbed the stairs from the courthouse basement, and that's when Newschannel 8's Chris Williams asked, "Nick, are you concerned about the death penalty? "Sheley responded, "It's all in God's hands." Chris then asked the million dollar question, "Did you do it?" Sheley answered, "It appears you guys already made a decision." He then got into the squad car and blew another kiss before the car drove away.
    This guy has nothing to lose and his attitude shows it. There is some pretty compelling evidence in the Galesburg case. I can't imagine what type of defense they will put up? I guess we'll see.

  10. IMO that will NEVER fly!
    Nicholas Sheley has a long history of violence. here is a link to his rap sheet.
    Is there an insanity by reason of crack or meth defense ?....if so...that miigghht work.

  11. Temporarily insane because he was secretly drugged

  12. LOL! I don't think it was/is ANY secret Sheley was drugged!
    Could drug use be a mitigating factor for Scheley if convicted and the state seeks the death penalty?

  13. Drug use could definitely be used as a mitigating factor at the punishment stage!

  14. Knox County States Attorney seeks death penalty against Nicholas Sheley in Galesburg, IL.
    I blogged more details and put a link to a local report here:

  15. katfish is right! The death penalty is being sought. Stay tuned to see if they get the death penalty. My guess at this point is that it is a long shot. However, I encourage you to read katfish's blog.

  16. katfish is right! The death penalty is being sought. Stay tuned to see if they get the death penalty. My guess at this point is that it is a long shot. However, I encourage you to read katfish's blog.

  17. Nicholas Sheley had a hearing on September 11 in Galesburg, IL. This was to be a status hearing for hiring a DNA expert, that issue wasn't decided. Sheley complained to the judge that His attorneys have "blown him off" and accuses them of "fast lawyer talk". The judge told him he has 2options, hire a private attorney or represent himself. There is more on my blog

  18. Thanks Katfish, continue to keep us updated over here on Legal Pub.


  19. There are several updates this past week in the Sheley case. On September 18, Sheley was indicted in Whiteside County on 15 counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of 4 people found in a Rock Falls apartment. He is now charged in all 8 deaths that he has been a suspect.
    In Knox County, on September 18 Sheley told a judge in Knox County that he wants to fire his attorneys and represent himself. The judge ordered a fitness hearing before the case goes any further at the request of Sheley's attorneys.

  20. katfish, you rock! Keep the info flowing.


  21. I guess as long as Sheley keeps it flowing , so will I. He gave a jailhouse interview to the Associated Press today. I blogged about it:

  22. Just cause he said he did it doesn't mean that he did it.

  23. Judge in Sheley case issues gag order following several interviews Sheley gave this week.I linked an audio of a phone interview on my blog. Interesting. I attended a pre-trial hearing today...haven't got that posted yet.

  24. Sheley sounds like a certified idiot!

  25. Idiot yes, be determined....within 30 days.

  26. Throw him in a cage with F. Braddy and see if either survive. These characters are bad, vicious aninals that need to be treated accordingly.

  27. Dropping by to let you know I have posted some motions and orders from this case on Docstoc. If interested you can link from my blog.

  28. Thanks Legal pub for posting my link. I just dropped by to let you know that Sheley has been found fit to stand trial. The case of Indiana v. Edwards has played a huge part on how this trial will proceed. The determination hasn't been made yet if Sheley is fit to represent himself.

  29. Please keep the updates coming, Katfish. This story has a great deal of interest with our readers.

  30. Just wanted to let you know Sheley had ANOTHER "incident" at the Knox County jail....

  31. katfish, thanks for keeping us up to date!

  32. Nicholas Sheley decides to keep his court appointed attorneys during hearing 1/30/09.

  33. Nick is finally starting to make some sense. He could still have a chance...

  34. Keep posting here, KATFISH and for teh rest of you visit Katfish coverage at:

  35. Hey LP,
    I haven't forgot you! I have had's a good thing...but cramping my blogging efforts. LOL

    There will be a return of subpoena hearing next week in this case I will be sure to post after.

    In last weeks hearing Sheley's defense announced they will be filing some motions in the coming weeks, change of venue being one of those. I hope it isn't granted. IMO The coverage of this case hasn't been excessive,except when it first happened, usually just local paper and radio, oh and moi. The same that would cover any court hearing no matter where it's at.
    I will try to post the motions after they are filed.
    Please do come see me too:

  36. Hello,
    I just posted another entry about Nicholas Sheley's wife request for reward money. She wrote a letter to a paper in Sterling, IL that has upset many people. I don't normally ask for comments on my blog (always welcome though) but I really want to show support to the families of these 8 if you would....please stop by and show some support.
    Anonymous comments allowed

  37. Four counts of aggravated battery and one count of criminal damage to governmental property have been filed against Nicholas Sheley for another incident in the Knox County jail.
    More info at

  38. Once again thanks. Keep the updates on Sheley coming.

  39. New Charges, New Trial
    * Starring Nicholas Sheley *
    Representing Himself ?

    here we go again

  40. The last 2- weeks-

    Knox County State’s Attorney John Pepmeyer and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan announced Tuesday, May 12, that a grand jury indicted Nicholas Sheley on three counts of aggravated battery, one count of criminal damage to property and one count of aggravated assault. The indictment supersedes the charges previously filed against Sheley on April 23, 2009.

    At a May 15 hearing, Sheley tells the court he has decided he won't represent himself on these charges after all.

    Nicholas Sheley, 29, appeared in Knox County Circuit Court May 21 for a scheduled arraignment on the Battery and Assault charges stemming from the incident at the Knox County Jail on April 17. However, Judge Steven Bordner said Sheley’s attorney, Jim Harrell, filed a motion for a substitution of judge. Harrell’s motion did not state a reason.

    Once a new judge is appointed, an arraignment will be scheduled. I'll let you know when I hear anything.

  41. Sheley is not insane. He recognizes that he needs a lawyer.

  42. I agree he is not insane.

    This is the second time (capital and assault cases) he has made a motion to represent himself and then changed his mind.

    To his lawyer's credit they have filed motions questioning his capability to wave his right for representation not because of insanity but mental defect.

    Crazy mean dude. Very dangerous!

  43. Update on Nicholas Sheley and his partners in crime entry is up on

  44. Just a few more twists and turns in this case and it hasn't even made it to IL discovery is held fairly close to the vest. Can't wait to see what comes out at trial. Sheley has a good defense team, they are certainly doing everything they can to insure he gets a fair trial. he has nothing to complain about in that regard.

  45. A fair trial is all one can ask. Who is taking the lead at the trial for the defense?

  46. LP, that is a good question. I believe Public Defender Jim Harrell is the lead....Jeremy Karlin was added as co-counsel when the State's intention to seek the death penalty was announced. It's a little confusing though because Karlin presents almost all of the argument in court. John Hanlon has presented most of the argument regarding the constitutionality of the death penalty in Illinois. Hanlon was originally brought in as an unbiased party to advise Sheley regarding his wish to fire Harrell and Karlin and represent himself...the court has allowed him to remain on the defense even though Sheley wisely decided to keep counsel. All 3 are members of the Capital Litigation Bar.
    (A little off the record scuttle- butt is that Sheley can't stand Karlin....Harrell does all the communicating with Sheley in court)

  47. Sheley told the court on Tuesday, September 8, that he AGAIN wants to represent himself on the charges from the alleged April 17 jailhouse incident.

    More info at

  48. Sheley seems delusional.

  49. OMG, this guy is crazy and delusional. He had to be physically removed from the courtroom and courthouse yesterday after the judge ruled he couldn't represent himself. I haven't posted my entry yet on this hearing, but should have it done sometime tomorrow. ;)


  51. oops.... that should have read "Jury seated in Sheley battery case. Testimony starts Tuesday morning, September 22" with link imbedded...darn blogger. LOL

  52. Hey Legal Pub,
    Nicholas Sheley was found guilty on all 5 charges related to the jailhouse incident. The trial lasted 3 days including jury selection.
    Bombshell!!At a hearing to argue the defense motion to dismiss 16 of the 17 charges in the capital case held on the 29th of Sept., Nicholas Sheley told the court he wants to change his plea to guilty. Of course his counsel were just as surprised as everyone else. That will be discussed at a hearing on Nov. 6. (unless something comes up before then)I haven't got the entry from the hearing on the 29th yet but the battery trial entry is interesting. I think his counsel should get hazard pay....or at least a couple extra days off. More later....been busy.

  53. At a November 6 pretrial hearing in Knox County, IL., Sheley told the court he has decided to withdraw his guilty plea for the murder of Ronald Randall.

    The entries at katfishponders for the hearings on September 29 and November 6 have links to pdf's of some of the motions and exhibits filed in the case, for those who are interested.

    Nicholas Sheley is now at the Northern Reception Center(NRC), Stateville (separate from Stateville Prison proper) in Crest Hill, just north of Joliet. Not sure how long he will be held here before being sent to a long term facility to serve his time on his Battery conviction.

  54. Spammers will be charged for advertising!

  55. Spammers will be charged for advertising!

  56. Spammers will be charged for advertising!
