Friday, July 25, 2008

Did Demetris McCoy and Vanswan Polty Not Only Violate the Law of the State, But Also Violate the Laws of Common Sense?

Children are our future. We must treat them well and let them lead the way to a brighter future. This future does not include clouding our youth's vision with marijuana before they can ride a two wheeler. Demetris McCoy, 18, was convicted and sentenced for encouraging his two and four year old nephews to smoke marijuana. Even more incredibly stupid is the fact that he did so on video. Demetris McCoy has been sentenced to 8 years in prison based on two charges of injury to a child/causing bodily injury. McCoy has also agreed to testify against his co-defendant, Vanswan Polty, age 19.

Just how idiotic were these two young men? The video captures one teen lighting a marijuana cigarette in the 2-year-old's mouth. The toddler is then told to pass it to his brother. Drug tests revealed both marijuana and cocaine in the toddlers. The mother, who was sleeping at the time, was not arrested. Since this incident, the children have been placed in foster care.

Jail time? McCoy also pleaded guilty to two burglary charges. His eight-year sentences for those offenses will served at the same time. Vanswan Polty is charged with two counts of injury to a child, three charges of burglary and one charge of failing to identify himself to a police. Polty remains in jail pending trial.


  1. This is child abuse!

  2. What a pair of idiots...

  3. I have always been of the opinion that a finding of "monumental stupidity" in the commission of a crime should be worth an additional 3 point upward departure under the federal sentencing guidelines. These two guys would obviously qualify.

  4. Couldn't agree with all of you more. Stupid is as stupid does!

  5. I agree with anonymous 1:43pm:

    that is an awfully nice grass shot ... LP, you got some 'splainin to do...

  6. Nah, Louisa L.P. is as conservative as it gets!

  7. This shows a lack of common sense on the part of McCoy
