Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Want to Marry a Rich Man? Dye Your Hair Brown ~ by Blond Bombshell

Men must think women sit around just dreaming of marrying a rich man. Why else would they do research and write stories revealing that 62 percent of billionaires have wives with brown hair. Who cares? Certainly not me! So, am I supposed to dye my hair brown because Microsoft head honcho Bill Gates' wife, Melinda French Gates is a brunette? Sorry, Melinda, you can keep him.

The study goes on to say that only 22% of billionaires wives were blond and only 16% were raven-colored hair. No billionaire was married to a redhead. Like we should panic. Hey girls, before running down to the salon to dye your red roots, why not just accept the fact that you may be stuck with a multi millionaire instead of a billionaire? Believe it or not, this is not the first totally worthless study on the subject. In 2004, Florida State University determined that men prefer long, thick and brown hair on women. Why? Sexist egg heads claim it's biological. Men are "programmed to find a fertile mate"according to Dr. Kelley Kline. (Kline would be more enlightened to state that men are programmed to have sex. Men typically take the path of least Resistance which is the quickest way to satisfy their own selfish desires.)

Kline opines that long, thick hair is a signal that a woman is strong, young and healthy. (Dr. Kline, perhaps by your way of thinking I should neglect to shave my arm pits and legs. Let me give you a hint: the way to attract a man is to show cleavage and interest in him.) This expensive study also thought it prudent to study hair length. Both men and women found long hair to be "overwhelmingly" more attractive than the short or medium-length hair. (Kind of refutes the theory of biological programming to breed when it comes to other women, don't you think doc...) The FSU study concludes that neanderthal pigs consistently prefer brunettes over blondes. "At least in our study, gentlemen do not prefer blondes. They prefer brunettes," Kline told Reuters.

Dr. Kline, who cares? A woman's appearance should be based on her own preference and not based on how to best attract a man. Otherwise, all a woman needs to do to attract a man is to hold up a sign that she is ready, willing and able.


  1. You go Shell!


  2. I agree Shell, a woman's life is a lot more than attracting men.


  3. California officials began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples Monday evening after California's State Supreme Court legalized the ceremonies.

    Phyllis Lyon was married to Del Martin by Mayor Gavin Newsom in San Francisco on Monday.

    Gay and lesbian couples had lined up for hours in anticipation of the right to marry.

    Lesbian rights activists Del Martin, 87, and Phyllis Lyon, 84, were the first same-sex couple to receive a marriage license in San Francisco. The high-profile mayor back in 2004 ordered city officials to issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples. Now, it is finally legal!


  4. Shell, you are too cute...

  5. Great post Shell!

    and how much did this fine study cost us taxpayers? When all they had to do was give us girls a ring and we'd give them the 411... some great comments there by you ~ made my morning!


    congrats to those getting married in California. Mazel Tov!

  6. oooops, I meant Bertha not Brenda.

  7. Not much to say about this one Shell. When I was growing up, they used to advertise that blonds have more fun. Guess that was false advertising. Class action law suit anyone?

  8. I'm holding out for Oprah. What do billionaire woman like?

  9. To Secret:

    What do billionaire women like? Well, men who are equally rich, devilishly handsome, who are constantly clever and charming. It also helps if they have a large estate in France. In other words, men like L.P. only with much larger pocket books!

    Your Secret L.A. Reader

  10. It's not worth the money in my opinion. Not to say there is anything wrong with brunettes, but why in the heck would I change who I am for a man? I'd rather be single and rich.

  11. When beautiful women marry plain (or even ugly) men, they are both happier. Why? Men place too much value on beauty. Women are looking for a husband who is supportive and positive.It is easier for him to fit this bill if the man marries over his head.

    Men who believe they are better looking than their wives tend to be more disgruntled. These men are more negative about their marriage.

    Two people who are equally gorgeous tend to be attracted to each other in the beginning. But after they have been together for a while, they tend to compete with one another leading to unhappiness. In this case, looks attract, but after a while because of competition with the other, things tend to get real nasty!

  12. Get a load of Kate's profile photo. What is the deal. Is this forum only for the beautiful movie stars?

    Move over Shell and Secret L.A. Reader, another star (Kate) is on the horizon!

    Joe P.

  13. Get a load of Kate's profile photo. What is the deal. Is this forum only for the beautiful movie stars?

    Move over Shell and Secret L.A. Reader, another star (Kate) is on the horizon!

    Joe P.

  14. Women should not have to change their appearence just because some rich guy likes it. I say this because If you try to be something your not then what happens when you finnally marry the idiot. Then you are stuck spending your life whith a man who only wants you to change for him. I, for one would not change for anything or anyone ecxept myself.


  15. Yeah Kate is a hottie.

    And Brooklyn I have to agree with you.

    Secret LA Reader, are you saying LP is wealthy?????

  16. I guess Anita Loos was right... gentlemen marry brunettes lol

  17. Who wants a gentleman? I want a real animal to sweep me off my feet!


  18. I love the bad boy animal, but they always end up hurting me.

  19. Obviously, you care enough to complain about it at your blog. Methinks you doth protesteth too much.

  20. Bad boys, bad boys who you going to do?

  21. What can they do but go out with all the girls waiting in line to date a bad boy!
