Monday, June 2, 2008

Tatum O'Neal Breaks Down On The Road To Sobriety After Hitting a Crack In New York? ~by Legal Pub

Sobriety can be an elusive target. This may be true for Tatum O'Neal, an Academy Award-winning actress. Tatum was arrested Sunday for allegedly buying crack cocaine in New York. She was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance. Tatum O'Neal may have an insanity defense. After all, she is the ex-wife of tennis star John McEnroe. (They have three children and one can imagine that they argue every one of their mom's every day rulings in their sibling disputes.)

Unfortunately for Tatum, the 44-year-old actress, wrote a 2004 memoir about her long road to sobriety. One questions if she will write about the latest detour. Apparently in New York crack is so common that possession of a controlled substance is only a misdemeanor.

Did everything happen too fast for Tatum? At 10, she won an Oscar in "Paper Moon."
She is the daughter of actor Ryan O'Neal and seemed to have the world by the tail. Her marriage to McEnroe was perhaps the first hint of bad judgment. Nevertheless, she seemed back on track in 2004 when she wrote of her quest to reach sobriety. Let's hope the sequel will be better then the original.


  1. Not always so easy to live up to the publics expectations.

    Your Secret L.A. Reader

  2. Tatum is disappointing a lot of folks.

  3. She is just another weekend topic for the gossip sheets and all will be forgotten in a few days.

  4. Another example as to why the drug “crimes” of possession should not be criminal offences. A successful and talented mother of three buying crack (if in fact the charge is true) is not a crime. It’s a medical issue which medical treatment can and does deal with very effectively. Drug abuse can be almost completely stopped for a fraction of the cost of criminal prosecution and imprisonment if there was readily available treatment alternatives (outpatient and inpatient - even involuntary inpatient treatment in the most extreme cases). Why the US drug policy inclines toward criminal prosecution is another issue entirely, but can you imagine the result if the resources now put into the prosecution and incarceration of drug offences was put into the prevention and prosecution of other crimes?

  5. Just goes to show that beauty does not mean brains!

  6. While drug use is typically to satisfy a sickness, it remains a crime. Tatum should have chosen to get medical help not self help from a drug dealer!

  7. Tatum needs to realize that no one cares that she is "special." Deal with your illness!

  8. This is a sad story if it is true. Drug addiction is a major problem in our country.

    As someone with a couple of loved ones with drug addictions it is a reminder that drug addiction is something addicts must deal with every single day of their life. People that are clean and sober for years still need to realize their vulnerabilities and reach out to someone instead of slipping back into their old ways.

    It also points out that drug addiction has no prejudism based on race, sex, religion, or wealth. It is an equal opportunity destroyer.

    My prayers go out to her and her family.

  9. This is so sad! The recidivism rate for women on crack cocaine is up the roof. It is really, really difficult for women to get off this horrendous habit. My prayers to her and her poor kids who are going to have to go through all of this again.
