Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chinese Mistresses Kissing and Telling on Officials Lands Dongguan City Officials in Jail? ` by Legal Pub

Not surprisingly, in the one country that blocks access to Legal Pub, corruption runs a muck. Is there a correlation? China has recently been busting its own governmental officials thanks to mistresses turned tattle tails. According to a recent report, 80 percent of the Dongguan city officials arrested for corruption were exposed by their mistresses. (Legal Pub suspect this is what the old saying "Don't get caught with your pants down" really means.)

To its credit, the China Daily has reported the story in the press. Zhou Yuefeng, deputy director of Dongguan's anti-graft bureau, supplied the information about the arrests to the news paper.
Recently, Beijing has been trying to clean up its image of corruption. But how they are doing it is not a way that a free society condones. Chinese law mandates that government officials found to have mistresses be dismissed from their posts. (Can you imagine what would happen if the free world had such a law? Would there be many publicly elected officials left?)
Motivation for the law was to address several highly publicized corruption cases involving officials who allegedly stole to support their mistresses. Officials accused of accepting bribes were also incidentally arrested in Dongguan. (One other example of Chinese politics being misdirected?)


  1. Thats what they get for not allowing legal pub!

  2. Is that Donghuan province pronounced like Don Juan? How appropriate. . .

  3. Interesting place.

  4. Makes you wanna pay cash instead of credit or check!

    Mr. Smith

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