Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yisryl Hawkins (formerly Buffalo Bill Hawkins) Appears On Nancy Grace To Clear Up Misconceptions ~by Legal Pub

Yisryl Hawkins is the leader of a polygamist sect. Yisrayl Hawkins (born Buffalo Bill Hawkins) is credited with being the founder of the second House of Yahweh (Abilene). In the past, this organization unsuccessfully predicted that nuclear war would start in September of 2006. The House of Yahweh (HoY) is a non-profit religious organization. Hawkins apparently claims to be a decendent of Jewish immigrants who fled persecution in Europe.

Like many recent high profile suspects, Hawkins and his attorney have turned to the media. Last night he appeared on Nancy Grace. Video Yisryl claims that the bible supports polygomy since Abraham had more than one wife. He also blames all of the world problems including STDs and global warming on sin. It would be nice to inform you that Hawkin's appearance helped clear up many misconceptions about this religious leader; however, one suspects that the appearance was likely counterproductive.


  1. A better name might be "Yo Yo."


  2. Iron Mike said...

    I don't get it. Why would any man ever want more than one wife? Makes me think the insanity defense may be available.

    Iron Mike

  3. Seems like old times with both of you weighing in so early on an article. If Hawkin and his attorney want an exclusive Legal Pub interview, they may contact me at

  4. LP,
    you stated: "It would be nice to inform you that Hawkin's appearance helped clear up many misconceptions about this religious leader..."

    Let me guess: You're deduction is that he's much MORE screwed up than you could have ever imagined. . .

  5. LP,
    I think Drew Peterson is in trouble with weapons charges . . . check out the following:

  6. I have commented before on our media strategy in the extreme high profile case of my client Drew Peterson. However, Drew was only a suspect, and had not been charged. In the Hawkins case LP is blogging on Mr. Hawkins has been indicted. When a defendant has been indicted I believe the more traditional advise of “say nothing” should be followed. Also, I don’t believe the Hawkins case falls in the category of the “extreme high profile” case where my media strategy would apply. Therefore, I don’t know if this interview with Nancy Grace was such a good idea. Further, I don’t think Nancy Grace is the correct venue for a defendant. While Nancy is a very pleasant and genuine person off camera, she is very abrasive on camera. I did not put Drew on Nancy’s show for a reason. He did the Today show, Larry King, Dan Abrams and Greta Van Sustren, and we were well prepared for the interviews (with the exception of the second Today show (my first, Drew’s second)- but I was still learning at the time).
    Anyway, I don’t know if the Hawkins case is susceptible to much misconception. If he is charged with bigamy, then the case is easily proved or disproved. There should be a marriage certificate for each marriage and a divorce judgment for each divorce. If they don’t add up, then bigamy is easy to prove, if they do its easy to disprove. As to polygamy, I would have to read the statute. If the law is that it is not necessary to solemnize the marriages then there is a big proof issue that has to be addressed at a trial. It is not illegal to have children with many different women, its illegal to marry them at the same time.

  7. Now isn't Hawkins special?

  8. He was awful on Nancy Grace, and I support his rights to freedom of religion!

  9. Hawkins is the leader! Follow we must.

  10. Follow the leader is not always the right game to play for kids or adults.

  11. See

    For the return of the kids to the compound!

  12. Back in the saddle again?

  13. Back in da house!

  14. Handsome Bill the ladies man...

    If he can't make a lady smile then no one can!

  15. These two messages are from facebook:

    1. Bekah Hawkins So i got a email from my dad which ended up being a hate letter.He told me that I dont exist anymore and I am dead to them.Then he said I am a stranger and they dont want to talk to a stranger....Yeah well I love you too!
    March 31 at 7:48pm

    2. Bekah Hawkins My mom told me yesterday that she doesnt want to have anything to do with me unless i go back and be in The House of Yahweh.Oh well I am not going back!
    March 25 at 12:05pm

    Message number one is from Bekah Hawkins Own Dad, namely David Verner, Who had his name changed to Yahudah Hawkins. David Verner is a so called elder in Bill Hawkins House of Yahweh, Abilene Texas, And David does scripture research for Yisrayl Bill Hawkins.
    This same person, David will twist the research, to make it favor Bill Hawkins as being an anointed one of Yahweh! This person knows better than to be a liar for Bill Hawkins, too!

    There are many in Bill's house of Yahweh who are sick in the mind like this person, David Verner Hawkins! This Is Absolutely forbidden in the Torah for a person as David Verner, to hate his own daughter! Bill Hawkins has done this same thing to his own sons and daughters!

    Message number two is from Bekah's own mother! This woman was made sick in the mind by David Verner her husband. You aught to be ashamed of yourself for doing your own daughter this way!

    This is the reason why Yisrayl Bill Hawkins Should be Put in Prison!
    He will do this same thing against the children of ALL of his wives and concubines!
    He will even disown his own wives if they disagree with is false doctrine!
    He has done so already with many other women in the past!

    This hatefulness should not be allowed!
    LORD God will put a stop to all of this hatred in the end time of the last days!


  16. Wow... tell us how you really feel...
