Monday, May 19, 2008

Malpass Corner Elementary School Mandates Students to Urinate Together Or Eat In Silence- by Surfer Dude

The Supreme Court apparently has said lethal injections are not cruel and unusul punishment. What would they say about a school rule in Burgaw, North Carolina? At a Burgaw elementary school, going to the bathroom without a partner can lead to punishment. However, parents are not just going to have their kids bend over to follow this rule. Students at Malpass Corner Elementary School are not suppose to go to the bathroom alone because the administration wants to prevent bathroom graffiti. A letter from the principal mandates that students must go to the bathroom as a class or in pairs. Students who break the rule are punished by having to sit at lunch alone and eat in silence. Some parents, like Jaime Whitmore, claim it is "cruel and unusual punishment." More can be found at The Star-News,
Now I remember why I hated school so much as a kid... Even still, back then graffiti was a form of art, a smoke was a smoke (especially in the bathroom), and urinating was still something a person could count on doing alone!
Surfer Dude


  1. This is really upsetting to me so I wrote the story. You see, first they took away hot teachers willing to sleep with students(like Debra Lefave) now they take a way a student's write to take a solo trip to the stall. What is the motivation for little dudes to stay in school?

  2. Surfer Dude! The answer is easy. To get an education.


  3. Man, this place gets out of control when L.P. is in trial!


  4. I guess all the kids eating lunch alone will be known as the "shy bladder club". lol

  5. Yup, pretty funny for a lawyer, Joel.

    But what a serious consequence:

    Pee Alone? Eat alone. What a choice. Jees...


  6. Why not just install cameras in the bath room?

    Oops, I think Michael Acloser (principal) got in trouble for having pictures of boys...

    Ditch the camera to stop graffiti idea...

  7. I walked into a school bathroom with my kid. A sign said," Patrons are requested to remain seated throughout the performance."

    What the heck, ever try to sit on a urinal?


  8. Cold be worse, Dude. What if there was a sign above the toilet that said, "All you can eat, $3.95"

    Surfer Dude

  9. Boys, you are sick. My love of you guys is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in.


  10. Just another example of education being flushed down the drain.

  11. sheesh,

    between the two choices, eating in silence doesn't sound so bad.

  12. Me pass gas too, but no school named after me!

  13. Paper and fire!

  14. Just so everyone understands a teacher's perspective on this. I taught 6th grade this past year. We had the most horrific act of bullying happen to a child while in the bathroom. Luckily, we also had in effect a BUDDY policy for students to go to the bathroom. If it wasn't for the buddy, the victim would have been seriously injured. I feel that going to the bathroom with a buddy or in a group is a POSITIVE thing. My students preferred to go with someone else after the bullying incident. Just thought all of you bashers should hear a teacher's side to this.

  15. Dianna, Were you a teacher at this school? By the time a boy is in the fifth or 6th grade, he ought to be able to hold his own when going to the bathroom.

    To need a buddy is pretty bad.

    Why stop at one buddy? Why not encourage gangs of youths to go to the bathroom at a time?

  16. Diana, Are you a hot teacher or one of those teachers that does not light up the classroom. When I was a young surfer dude, the only thing that kept me in classes were hot teachers. If a hot female teacher (like Debra Lafave) wanted to be my bathroom bud, I certainly would have loved it.

    Surfer Dude

  17. You are out there surfer dude!

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