Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tricia Walsh-Smith Explores YouTube As A Weapon In Divorce Negotiations Or Just Venting? ~ by Legal Pub

YouTube, the new weapon in divorce cases? Tricia Walsh-Smith, the wife of a major Broadway theater operator, has apparently used YouTube to kiss and tell about the secrets of her marriage. Is this an unfair attempt to gain leverage and humiliate her estranged spouse? You can judge for yourself. YouTube has the potential to elevate humiliation to a level never seen before. See Tricia's YouTube: LINK

Tricia Walsh-Smith criticizes her husband, Philip Smith for all to see and hear. Philip is the president of the Shubert Organization, a theater owner on Broadway. Tricia review the wedding album on camera and sometimes labels family members as "bad" or "evil" or "nasty." She claims her husband is trying to evict her from their apartment. She reveals embarrassing allegations about their intimate life.

Famed divorce attorney, Raoul Felder, Felder, apparently thinks his client makes a good impression on the video. Philip Smith and his lawyers apparently have no public comment but are welcome to comment here on Legal Pub. What may be at the center of the dispute is a prenuptial agreement. One can expect Tricia's legal team to argue that the prenuptial agreement she signed with her 25 year older husband should not be upheld. Wonder if the court proceedings will be televised or just summarized on YouTube?
Our own Viper LINK added his two cents on the issue: " I think the use of YouTube to air dirty laundry may become a growing trend. In the absence of a gag order, I don't currently see anything improper about venting as long as what is said is true. On the other hand, lies may open the door to defamation claims. I would not recommend publicly airing dirty laundry to any of my clients; however, undoubtedly there is always going to be some release of built up emotions. The hope is that it can be done safely with the least amount of harm to all involved."


  1. What a great idea...

    If I ever get married...

    And if he ever does me wrong...

    And my computer has a camera with a high speed internet connection...

    Then I to will... no, I never would.


  2. Iron Mike said...

    Glad I was not ever married to her!

    Iron Mike

  3. I find airing of public laundry disgusting, but effective!

  4. Just more reality t.v.!

  5. poor Trish, so misunderstood. Imagine all those lonely nights waiting for hubby to come around . . . to no avail. Sad.

  6. One thing that's been quite interestingly overlooked...

    For a marriage to be considered (legally) consummated and thus fully legal, several requirements must be met, one being the act of sexual intercourse as well as co-habitation ....

    she explicitly stated that she's not had sex with her husband...

  7. Laws on annulment vary from state to state. In some states lack of consumation of the marriage alone may be grounds for annulment. However, sometimes there are other requirements as well. Let's watch this one with some interest!

  8. A good segue way... for me to introduce a similar approach and my next book.

    I haven't used YouTube to discuss the topic but I did put up a website. Apparently, thousands of friends steal inheritances each year. It recently happened to my mom, apparently.

    While the point of Tricia on YouTube was to attack her marriage, ours is simply to warn people so this entire occurence stops. As usual, I find this done best by using the real story, facts, etc. Makes it easier for people to realize how easily it could happen to them.

    Check it out at

    I urge you to use the site as a segue way to discuss wills, arrangements, etc, w/your family. Please spread the word so we can help stop this nonsense. Have a good one.

  9. Sounds like a good topic for a paper back book, Ian! You may want to change the names with a disclosure to that effect; but even with such, it may have the makings of a best seller.


  10. So if they never consummated the marriage does that make the marriage invalid???

    She looks like she has a drinking problem.
    I hope she gets some money from this dude.

    She should have negotiated something concrete for herself before signing the prenup.

  11. The old litigate the prenup strategy...

    play dumb...

    pretend you did not understand...

    claim you were under undue pressure...

    and try to force a better cash settlement. Some women have fallen so far in their rush to gain wealth that it all becomes too predictable.

    Maybe Tricia has some legitimate claims. If she does, save them for mediation or trial.

  12. One mad lady or one good actress?

  13. Actress/ litigant!

  14. She is crazy like a fox!

  15. This is the reason for prenuptial agreements folks!

  16. Judge apparently ordered Tricia to vacate the residence within 30 days. I get the feeling he was not too happy with her YouTube presentation.
