Friday, April 11, 2008

Hillary Clinton's Campaign Office in Indiana Destroyed By Fire ~ by Legal Pub

Friday around 12:30 a.m Terre Haute residents awoke to the whining of fire sirens that too many times before have disturbed sleepy residents. Fire officials are investigating a fire which destroyed Senator Hillary Clinton's Terre Haute Campaign Headquarters. The Westaff office located on 3rd Street was destroyed. "Flames were shooting out the tops" of the building, explained Terre Haute Fire Department Public Information Officer John Gardner. Two women were apparently inside the building when the fire started. One of the women's car also caught fire. Both women were able to safely exit the building.
George Leach is a witness to the fire and confirms that the building started on fire before the car.
Former President Bill Clinton arrived in Clinton, Ind. Friday morning. On the way, he made a surprise visit to the Clinton for President campaign office in Terre Haute. The new office is located just down the street. The Clinton motor procession was led by several police cars and for the most part went unnoticed as it paraded down third street. The former president wanted to be out of Dodge before Obama mania hits this evening at the local high school. Who would ever ever thought that Indiana would become the battle ground state for the Democrat Presidential nomination?

Former President Bill Clinton had been visiting the Wabash Valley; however, their is no known relationship between his visit and the fire. (All though one local comedian has joked that with Bill Clinton's love of cigars and women and Terre Haute's former reputation for being a wide open red light district, that anything is possible.)

We know that the secret service has been on the scene investigating. (So just how secret is the secret service if everyone knows they are here?)

The irony is that Hillary wanted her campaign to catch fire and propel her to a win in the May 6th primary. Obama wanted to destroy Hillary's come back and secure the nomination. Former President Clinton, well he is just plain Bill and we all know how he an Monica apparently enjoy a good cigar. It also rained last night and this morning and given Hillary's recent fibs, God may have been sending a lightning bolt message.

As always, keep in mind that all of the above suspects are innocent until proven guilty.


  1. Wow, everthing happens for a reason.

  2. Burn baby burn...

    Probably was a lightning bolt message.

  3. Obamas coming to town! He knows when Hillary supporters are sleeping. He knows if they're a wake. He knows if they have been bad or good so...

  4. Bill and his cigars...


  5. Especially God is to be considered innocent, right?


  6. Former President Bill Clinton arrived in Clinton, Ind. Friday morning. On the way, he made a surprise visit to the Clinton for President campaign office in Terre Haute. The new office is located just down the street. The Clinton motor procession was led by several police cars and for the most part went unnoticed as it paraded down third street. The former president wanted to be out of Dodge before Obama mania hits this evening at the local high school. Who would ever ever thought that Indiana would become the battle ground state for the Democrat Presidential nomination?

  7. Looks like Indiana will become a battleground. I just heard on CNN that Obama made a major gaffe in PA. He will try to fix things tonight at a speech in Terre Haute. This may give PA to Clinton and Indiana will be crucial. Indiana is a happening state dude!

  8. Ms. C is so right. Happen place. Wonder what Legal Pub is doing in the great state of Indiana?

  9. Monica's revenge?

  10. Hillary's upswing was a little too little a little too late.
