Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Excel Institute in D.C. Serves As Backdrop For Another Idiotic Student Shooting ~ by Legal Pub

D.C. is the home of another school shooting. Apparently, a disgruntled student took a gun inside Excel Institute and shot a male and a female student outside the school. He then carjacked a vehicle and drove to 17th and East Capitol Street. After ditching this vehicle, he apparently attempted to carjack two other vehicles. He eventually gained control of a Terminix car; however, after a brief chase, he was apprehended at 19th and C Street SE. Prior to his capture, he apparently hit a police cruiser and another car. An office was injured as was a pregnant woman.

Both of the students who were shot should be ok. Their injuries are apparently non-life threatening. Excel Institute is a not for profit licensed post secondary educational institution . It was founded in 1997 by former football player, George Starke, and CEO of Parking Management, Inc, John Lyon. LINK This appears to be just another in a line of "idiotic shootings" for which Legal Pub will not recognize the shooter's name as "fame" only fuels the flames of idiocracy.
Update 5-1-08 For those wanting a link to Wesley Johnson, feel free to read this Washington Post article. LINK


  1. Misguided whackos or just plain thugs out there in this crazy world?

  2. We must continue to pray for the mental health of our nation. As te pressures of life cause individuals to snap, we cannot feed others the courage to take similar actions based on fame flamed by media coverage and obsessive details of the midset and plans of the shooters.

  3. All of this happened in DC where there is a ban on handguns. Go figure.

  4. Goes to show you that gun control only takes the guns out of law abiding citizens hands and not whackos or criminals.

  5. There are two types of people, predator and pray. I never go anywhere without my Glock.


  6. Update 5-1-08 For those wanting a link to Wesley Johnson, feel free to read this Washington Post article. LINK on bottom of article.

  7. The legal system needs to make an example of him and give him a not so glorious life in prison.
