Sunday, April 13, 2008

Candy Bandits Apprehended As Thieves And Litterers? ~by Legal Pub

Cincinnati Police are trying to clean up the town. This means apprehending thieves and litterers. Fact is, sometimes they are one in the same. Four thieves apparently smashed a window and grabbed a bunch of candy. One of the thieves used a baby carriage to transport the loot (candy.) Police followed a trail of candy wrappers right to four people suspected of breaking into Peter Minges & Sons Candy Store in Cincinnati. 19 year old Christine Ruther was arrested as one of the suspects. She had with her a 7 week old daughter. Three others are also accused of participating in the theft.
The official charges are breaking and entering and possible child endangerment. The four suspects are accused of stealing about $400 in candy. They were arrested a few blocks away. A forensic trail of candy wrappers apparently documented their trail better then Hansel and Gretel did with bread crumbs. VIDEO LINK courtesy of TV 5

Judge Brad Greenberg of Hamilton County Muncipal Court ordered Christine Ruther held on $7,500 bond. He also ordered that she is not to have no unsupervised contact with her baby.


  1. I wonder if the baby is overweight?

    How Sweet . . .

  2. Wow. The recession is so bad, just look what it is driving Havard grads to do...

  3. Yep,

    she does have that Harvard look . . .

  4. Seems like a pretty foolish thing to do, gettinng a kid involved!

  5. LOL very funny "did you stop to think"

    She's worse than a crackhead.
    Damn. That must be the best candy in the world. So good that she's willing to go to jail and lose her kids for it. WOW

    There's a Jenny Craig joke in here somewhere.

  6. This is the greediest s**t I've ever heard.

  7. Hey Secrets (like the name, btw),

    Naw, here's the greediest thing you'll ever hear of; happened to my mom and is going to be my next book. Happens to a lot of people and is unbelievable:

    Have a good one.

  8. Obesity is not the least bit funny.

    Well maybe a little humerous.

    Ok it is funny, but it is not nice.
