Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Addicted Doctors and Gambling Sisters Like Barbara Markey Provide Real Life April Fools Bait -by Viper

Legal Pub's editor is in a jury trial so he turned over the controls to me. Any story runs the danger of being an April Fools joke. Besides yesterday's feature story shows how even a serious topic like brain cancer from cell phone use can evolve into a discussion of best pick up lines. Nevertheless, a story caught my eye so I will throw it out and let evolution take its course.

First, in the media there are reports that hundreds of doctors who are actively treating for substance abuse are still practicing medicine and prescribing medication for patients. (These doctors are different from the local drug dealer again how?)
Second, Sister Barbara Markey, a Roman Catholic nun has plead guilty to stealing from the Omaha Archdiocese and gambling much of the money away. Defense attorney J. William Gallup says she also agreed to pay $125,000 in restitution. Markey could get up to 20 years in prison when she is sentenced in July. Markey was fired in 2006 as director of the archdiocese's family life office after an audit found irregularities. The audit apparently disclosed that Markey may have spent $307,545 without documentation. Prosecutors allege that Markey used the money to finance gambling trips and debts. Sister. How could you!

Update 2-1-10: Due to an abuse of spamming, all further comments on this topic that wish to be posted must be sent to legalpub@legalpub.net. All nonspam will be shared by posting.


  1. When its least expected, you are elected the church is the target today

  2. What a relief to see a story about a church scandal that doesn't involve pedophilia.

    Even nuns can have gambling addictions. Although I doubted it as child, as an adult I know that they're only human.

    I didn't realize doctors with substance abuse Issues were still allowed to prescribe! Talk about the inmates running the asylum ...

  3. Whats up doc? You seem high?

    oR NO wonder society puts doctors on such a high pedistal.

  4. Higher than a kite...

  5. Theinvestblog has continued to abuse the privilege of posting by posting spam. Consequently, if you want to comment on this topic further, you will need to send it by email:


    Sorry, but that is what happens when spammers place their financial interest above the interest of all others.
