Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thomas Beatie First Male To Be Pregnant? D.B. Cooper Hijacker Parachute Discovered? Which is More Bizarre? ~by T.J.

Thomas Beatie claims he is 5 months pregnant. How? Supposedly he used to be a woman who went through a sex change several years ago but he kept his/her reproductive organs. Allegedly, he and his wife went to several fertility specialists until they found one who was willing to help them with this "pregnancy." His neighbors think it is a hoax. Legal Pub suspects it may be legit. LINK. Credit KATU for breaking the story. Update 4-5-08: An ultrasound has confirmed the pregnancy. Oprah Video Link!

Perhaps even more bizarre, in Amboy, Washington, a buried parachute may have been discovered which was used by skyjacker D.B. Cooper back in 1971. D.B. Cooper jumped from an Northwest Orient Airlines 727 with a 25 pound money bag containing 200-thousand dollars back on Thanksgiving eve 1971. Children allegedly found the parachute buried in a field that their father had recently plowed for a road. The chute is white, conical shaped, and deteriorated. Seattle FBI Agent Larry Carr will clean it and see if it has a label which which matches the companion chute left behind by Cooper in the plane.

In 1980, a family found 58-hundred dollars of the loot on a Columbia River beach, near Vancouver. It is speculated that the money bag traveled down the Washougal River, which is upstream from the beach, miles from where this parachute was recently found.
Other evidence discovered over the years according to KOIN News 6 includes Cooper's clip-on tie and clasp. FBI forensics experts apparently used it to extract the hijacker's DNA and perhaps fingerprints.

Finally, want to hit the Taliban where it counts? You can donate toys to Afghani children by following this link : LINK

Update D.B. Cooper 12-7-11:
Investigators are attempting to link fingerprints left behind on the airplane with fingerprints obtained from the toothbrush of L.D. Cooper. The suspect's niece, Marla Cooper, alerted authorities about her suspicions. Suspicions about Relative. Marla says her uncle was injured when he visited her family's home in Sisters, Ore. the day after the hijacking. However, her uncle claimed that his wounds were from an automobile accident. The mystery should soon be solved by the fingerprint analysis.


  1. Thanks for the link to help Afghani children.

  2. If Beatie is legit, would this be a blow for male equal rights?


  3. a man pregnant? No way!

  4. Wow!

    The person's hormones will be so confused . . .

  5. D.B. Cooper hijacking/theft is one of the greatest mysteries around!Hope they solve it and track down the money. I could use a tax refund...

  6. Finally a man who can understand carrying a child...

    not. My bet is it would have to be a C-section and depending on the hips probably pretty early on in the pregnancy.


  7. For a split second my mind jumped to D.B. Cooper is pregant according to doubting thomas of the beatles. Oh boy, I need a vacation.

  8. I could see how you could be confused. Take a deep breath and repeat after me, the man is still a woman. The other man, a high jacker is long since dead.

  9. It all depends upon how you define a man...

  10. Update D.B. Cooper 12-7-11: Investigators are attempting to link fingerprints left behind on the airplane with fingerprints obtained from the toothbrush of L.D. Cooper. The suspect's niece, Marla Cooper, alerted authorities about her suspicions. Suspicions about Relative. Marla says her uncle was injured when he visited her family's home in Sisters, Ore. the day after the hijacking. However, her uncle claimed that his wounds were from an automobile accident. The mystery should soon be solved by the fingerprint analysis.
