Friday, March 21, 2008

Have Animals Inflicted Revenge Upon Humans With Judy Kay Zagorski, Kaleb, and Maxine Killingback Being Targets? ~ B.T. Update 5/09

So this is Good Friday? I would hate to see a bad Friday! Off the Floriday keys, Judy Kay Zagorski, 57, died on a boat after a spotted eagle ray leaped from the water and hit her. Zagorski apparently died when she fell backward and hit her head on the boat deck.
Judy Kay Zagorski of Pigeon, Michigan was either sitting or standing in the front of the boat as her husband piloted the vessel at about 25 mph out. Apparently the odds on getting hit a sea by a leaping ray is rather remote...
In other news, on Wednesday a three year old boy (Kaleb) is bit by a rattlesnake on a Texas beach. Doctors gave him serum antidote and performed surgery to relieve pressure in his leg. He is expected to survive. LINK

Maxine Killingback got bit by a rat in her toilet! Actually there may have been as many as 3 rats in her London toilet. LINK
Have a good Holiday weekend! B.T.
Update 5-28-08: A wild elephant trampled through a village in northern India on Thursday, killing at least seven people. 24 others were hurt before the female elephant was killed. The village of Bhudaheda is located near Jim Corbett National Park. Locals tried to frighten her away by beating drums, but I guess that just ticked her off.
Update 5-27-09: A white tiger mauled a zookeeper to death at a New Zealand Wildlife Gardens Wednesday. A group of tourists witnessed the attack. The attack took place at the Zion Wildlife Gardens near Whangarei. Two zookeepers were cleaning an enclosure at the park, when one of two white tigers lunged at a keeper according to Sarah Kennett, spokeswoman for Northland Police. Zoo staff tried to pull the tiger off the man but failed. The tiger was subsequently euthanized.


  1. Good video links. Enjoyed the stories.

  2. Interesting animal theme, B.T. you beast!

  3. Judy was too young to get stung by fate his way.

  4. Pay back for Daniel Collins telling his kids to kill the cat?

  5. I’m so cynical. When I first heard this story about Judy, I thought her husband killed her and blamed it on the animal. The story seemed so far fetched. I mean, what are the chances of something like this really happening?

    The rat story is scary!!! I’ve seen rats on the street in NY City, but never in a toilet. She needs to move!!



  6. I agree with secret, what are the odds? Guess it is true but how incredible...

    The rats are scrary!

  7. Message for Blonde Bombshell:

    I haven't seen your comment here in a few days . . . I hope you are well. I just scanned the major news stories and found one that I know would be of interest to you and me . . . check it out:,2933,340220,00.html

  8. The rat story is just tooooo freaky! I agree with "secrets"; she needs to move.

    Have a Happy Easter everyone! Don't overdo the peeps and jellybeans . . .

  9. Ms. C., as I understand it, Shell is on a self imposed sabatical until the heat from the Witch Hunts end. Last I heard she was filming in Malibu under an assumed name so that she would not be recognized as Blond Bombshell the witch from Legal Pub.

    Iron Mike

  10. Thanks for the 411, Iron Mike:

    Our coven will prepare our ritual at midnight so that we may howl at the moon and sing to the stars (all of us romping nude in the woods, of course). . . so that our sister, Blonde Bombshell comes back safely to us all. . .

  11. What a bite in the butt Maxine got...

  12. Time to call in the Exterminator...

    What is The Gov. Arnold doing about now?

  13. Wow, Judy's death sounds "fishy."

  14. Not funny. One day you are cruising around and next thing you know, you are a target for a fish jump. Not a pleasant thought at all.

  15. Update 5-28-08: A wild elephant trampled through a village in northern India on Thursday, killing at least seven people. 24 others were hurt before the female elephant was killed. The village of Bhudaheda is located near Jim Corbett National Park. Locals tried to frighten her away by beating drums, but I guess that just ticked her off.

  16. Rosie Humphries, 85, of Flora was taking her two poodles for a walk near her home on Austin Avenue in the Flora,Illinois. Her neighbor's pit bull managed to break away from a chain and kill one of her poodles and then Humphries.
