Friday, March 28, 2008

Did Ram Ayodhya Assault An Indian Witch Or Did He Exercise Legal Self Help In A Breach Of Warranty Claim? ~ by Blond Bombshell

It is time to end prejudice. Witches worldwide need to unite and preserve our rights. The latest example of ignorance occurred in New Deli. An Indian woman was tied to a tree after being accused of being a witch. She was beaten by a mob. The incident was captured with television footage courtesy of perhaps another witch. :)
Nishant Tiwari, a cop in northeastern India, said that when he arrived the so called witch (that means woman) was tied to a tree. The ladies hair was partially cut. She had been repeatedly slapped but thanks to magik, she had no serious injuries. The Indian witch is pictured in the photo courtesy of IBN.

Six (a number significant in magik- magic for the uneducated) people were arrested. Ram Ayodhya could face up to seven years in prison for his role in the attack. But Ram thinks he has a defense. Supposedly he told police he was justified in beating the woman because he paid her to use magic to improve his wife's health. When his wife's condition deteriorated, Ram accused her of performing black magik. (Simple breach of warranty claim?) A crowd gathered and helped tie her to the tree. Ironically, CNN-IBN reported that the incident took place near the local police station.
Guess the local police was a little low on MOJO that day...


  1. .

    Iron Mike said...

    So Shell, your are back from sabatical in Malibou and already you are taking the lead in the fight against witches? Why your broom must still be warm after the flight. Will the real life Sabrina still share her stories of concern for the misfortunate after you are as wealthy as Heather Mills?

    Iron Mike

  2. Rare is the witch who survives mob violence.

    I'm wondering if doctors are also tied to a tree and beaten when the health of their patients declines. (could be an alternative way of looking at malpractice.)

  3. Perhaps women are just getting paid back for leading men around by the ear for so long...

  4. "Witch Doctors" are tied to the tree colleency!


  5. Great post Shell,
    someone needs to stand up for our own. We are misunderstood and at times taken for granted. . .

    On my blog I am fighting for us witches that wear nipple rings . . . check it out.

  6. Ooops, LP suggested I mention a story and I mentioned the wrong one! Anyways, check out the list of 25 most emasculated, henpecked men . . . see if you know any of these dudes!

  7. Ms. C. You have the greenlight to mention any of your stories any time on this forum!

  8. Legal Pub and Ms.Calabaza both rock!

  9. Shell, you need your own sit com!

  10. Thanks LP!

    I would never take advantage of your blog for shameless promotion . . . OK, maybe once in awhile ... tee-hee!

  11. But which witch is the wicked witch?

  12. Women are discriminated against all over the world and through out history. It sucks...
