Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Terrelle Pryor, Britney Spears, Roger Clemens Exemplify Media Fed Ego Maniacs In Todays Society ~ Legal Pub

Wonder why athletes in the U.S. get this feeling of entitlement? A feeling that they are above the law. Clearly O.J. Simpson is an example of this syndrome. But where does it all start? Look at high school quarterback Terrelle Pryor. Pryor is considered the top high school athlete and he was expected to choose between rivals Ohio State and Michigan at a nationally televised news conference today. Grown men sit by their computers and televisions awaiting this teenager's decision. (That is right, a high school athlete announcing a decision of where he will attend college on national t.v.) Now he has called the press and told them he is delaying the decision because he wants to visit Penn State. (One can only speculate how soon such high profile athletes will be visiting the State Penn! Society is creating ego fed media monsters and it needs to get back under control.)

With a similar trip down ego lane, Britney Spears' mom has obtained a temporary restraining order against her daughter's manager, Sam Lufti. Lynne Spears accuses Lufti of drugging Britney, cutting Britney's home phone lines and removing her cell phone chargers. According to Lynne, Lufti claims to control "everything." Sure, takes one control freak to recognize another. Just what spoiled, attention seeking Britney needs, more excuses for her behavior.

And in the world of baseball, the hits just keep coming. Roger Clemens testified for five hours to congressional lawyers denying he used performance-enhancing drugs. "It was great to be able to tell them what I've been saying all along - that I've never used steroids or growth hormone," said Clemens. Clemens is a seven-time Cy Young Award winner. Who knows if he took steroids, more importantly why should Congress spend our money finding out? Regardless, given all the media fed ego-maniacs, one must question whether any thing said by such individuals is a product of delusions of grandeur.


  1. Legal Pub, you are spot on! This glorification of athletes is leading to a dangerous sense of entitlement.


  2. Iron Mike said....

    National signing day, what a great celebration.

    Iron Mike

  3. It is official, Pryor will not sign today. My opinion, that guy is an attention wh@@@. He has had large amounts of attention up to signing day so why stop there. Now he will be even more of a focal point, if that's possible...

  4. What if Michigan and Ohio told this punk "thanks, but no thanks"? What if nobody followed Britney around? What if she were just another unbalanced young woman walking around who cannot afford psychotropic meds because she doesn't have health insurance? And finally, what if people told Congress to take care of business (economy, war, fixing bridges, etc) and stop these dog and pony shows? Maybe, we might just be better off. I am so tired of these ego-maniacs. Just my 2 cents.

  5. If Joe Public turned their back on these so called stars, they would be forced to deal with reality.


  6. Ms. Calabaza for President!!! (you could show 'em a thing or two!)

  7. Sports are out of control!

  8. Calabaza for President!

