Friday, February 1, 2008

Anna Longinova, Less Than a Beautiful Ending- by Legal Pub

A tale of Beauty and the Beast ended with a less then desirable conclusion. The story starts off with a promise of everything. Aa beautiful woman, a fast car and a near secret agent status. Anna Loginova, a beautiful 29-year-old former model, started a private security firm of female bodyguards. (Anna is pictured in a photo courtesy of Maxim.) She and her employees were trained in martial arts and specialized in protecting Russian billionaires. For example, Anna was body guard to Russian boxer Kostya Tszyu.

Unfortunately, a carjacker threw Loginova out of her Porsche Cayenne Sunday in Moscow. Loginova grabbed onto the door handle and was dragged along the street before letting go. Her fearless but fatal reaction caused her to die at the scene from serious head injuries. The Porsche was later found abandoned in Moscow. Unlike Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, and Pretty Woman, this fairy tale has an unhappy ending.


  1. She was sweet. What a shame.


  2. Russia has its problems!


  3. Death is not forever.Back when I had a straight gig, I was a boss. I asked one of my employees,"Do you believe in life after death?"

    "Yes, sir," my employee replied.

    "Well, then, that makes everything just fine," I said. "After you left early yesterday to go to your grandmother's funeral, she stopped in to see you."

    My employee just looked at me. I turned in my letter of resignation, hit the beach and the rest is history.

    Surfer Dude

  4. This is why I own a car held together by bungee cords and plastic straps; no one tries to carjack me. I think Surfer Dude is thinking about taking over as the head of the group of female bodyguards, aren't you, Surfer Dude.
    Just FYI, I finally turned my column Lunch is Not a Date into a blog format, which is

    Also, because I don't want anyone else out there hurt, if you own an elite car, simply let me know and I will switch cars w/you so that you may be safe. What can I say? I'm a giver...

  5. Nice job on Lunch is not a date!

    My bet is surfer dude does not have a vehicle but can recite in detail every step in how to make a combustion engine function in this universe.

    He might not be able to stop a bullet, but he could calculate its velocity and calculate its force on impact.

    That being said, he might trade his board for your car but I can't see that helping you much in Chicago.

  6. What a body...


    Shame she is not around to spend some time with some new clients...

  7. LONG Loginova, she used to blind the bad guys with her beauty and then take care of business.


  8. Poor thing. Being dragged from a car does not sound like a nice way to go. . . I'd rather go in my sleep.

  9. The world says farewell to another beauty!

  10. A new sleeping beauty!

  11. A real pioneer and a real gutsy lady. R.I.P.

  12. The world greives for it's loss of a beautiful mind, body and soule.
