Friday, February 15, 2008

Senseless Tragedy Strike Northern Illinois University Resulting in Seven Deaths

Senseless tragedy strikes Northern Illinois University in Dekalb. University President John Peters said four people died at the scene, including three students and the gunman. Two others died shortly there after at a hospital. Another has also died making the total seven.

Peters said the gunman was a former graduate student in sociology at NIU. The gunman's name has not been identified, but we are told he was not currently enrolled at the 25,000-student campus. "It appears he may have been a student somewhere else," University Police Chief Donald Grady elaborated. No motive for the skinny gunman, dressed in black and wearing a stocking cap, was given. He emerged from behind a screen on the stage of 200-seat Cole Hall and started shooting just as the class was about to end around 3 p.m. Legal Pub has heard that the gun man had an interest in "prisons" and "religion in prisons." To date, it is believed that he had no criminal record.

Lauren Carr and Jerry Santoni were two of the estimated 150 students present at the time of the shooting. Neither Carr nor Santoni were shot. Approximately 18 to 20 students were; however, wounded. Dan Parmenter, a 20-year-old sophomore from Elmhurst, Ill., was one of those killed. George Gaynor, a senior geography student, described the shooter as "a skinny white guy with a stocking cap." The shooter carried a shotgun and a pistol.

The shooting was the fourth at a U.S. school within a week. On Feb. 8, a woman shot two fellow students before committing suicide at Louisiana Technical College in Baton Rouge. In Memphis, Tenn., a 17-year-old is accused of shooting a fellow student during a high school gym class. A 15-year-old victim of a shooting at an Oxnard, Calif., junior high school has been declared brain dead.

The madness needs to stop. Please feel free to use the comment information to provide information about the victim or gunman for closure or just to vent.

Update 2-15: Apparently the Chicago tribune has tentatively identified the shooter as a 27-year-old graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His name is believed to be Steve Kazmierczak. See Chicago Tribune for more details.

Update 2-18 Catalina Garcia, 20, from Cicero, Ryanne Mace, 19, from Carpentersville, Julianna Gehant, 32 from Meridan, Illinois are among the dead. May they rest in peace.


  1. Blond Bombshell said...

    What a total waste of humanity.


  2. Whackos now have a media forum that allows them to commit suicide and become famous. Something needs to be done to prevent the problem from spreading. We can't continue to glorify these sick idiots.

  3. Update 2-15: Apparently the Chicago tribune has tentatively identified the shooter as a 27-year-old graduate studentat the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His name is believed to be Steve Kazmierczak
    See Chicago Tribune for details.

  4. I'm with Viper on this one. If the media stopped covering like they did, there would be less of a forum. Don't give them what they want...fame.


  5. Ditto. This is becoming epidemic. These poor kids were sitting ducks in that hall.

  6. Lee, your insights are always very welcome. How about giving us some insight on the Faughey story?

  7. I appreciate the invitation to comment. Sometimes I wrap mind around a topic and actually give it some thought…sometimes I don’t.

    This is one of those don’t times.

    That story is outside my scope of expertise/knowledge base (nice way of saying I’m lazy). In addition, I’m not real big on the whole touchy-feely, hold-my-hand, wipe-my-ass-for-me, need-help mental crutch school of thought. I’m more of the quit your crying….pack and rifle, move out troop! of thought. If everybody fell out every time they felt bad, we’d all be sitting on the side of the road.

    That said, I feel sorry for her. She was trying to help people solve their problems and be productive members of society. For that I salute her. And she was brave. Working with those with mental health issues (of whatever magnitude) has its risks.

    No, no real insightful analysis or unique perspective….just a recommended course of action.

    Range me.


  8. I am an NIU grad, class of '94, as was my younger sister ('98) and brother-in-law ('95). My thoughts on the matter are too long to post here but I did put them up in my latest blog. From Feb. 14 through the end of March all the $ I make as an author from my book sales will go to the NIU Feb. 14th Memorial Fund. (Several of the stories actually take place at NIU.)

    I think what bothers me most are the fanatics. People have shown up at vigils, protesting and saying that the shootings were deserved due to the ungodliness of colleges, etc.

    Also, we never seem to really focus on the issue, just a lot of chat about guns, blaming video games and mental illness. These are not things all the shooters share. The shooters share three things: They are unhappy, they blame other people for their unhappiness, and they don't know how to deal with society within appropriate social norms.

    Any rate, more in my blog and I hope to shed more light on the subject and encourage some data collection by the authorities in the areas that will actually stop not only the shootings but also the increased youth violence, drug use, etc, that all seem to stem from the same basic cause.

    Thanks for posting, Legal Pub.

  9. Ian, as always, thanks for your input. Let's hope you sell a lot of books and the donation helps the cause.

  10. Huskies are forever in our hearts
