Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Michael Alcoser, Elementary Principal, Arrested and Accused of Molesting A Student? - by Ralph

Breaking story out of San Antonio, Texas about an alleged perverted principal. Police arrested Michael Alcoser, an elementary school principal accused of molesting one of his students several times over the course of a few months. He was apparently taken into custody on Tuesday afternoon. Michael Alcoser has been an educator for almost 20 years and served as the principal at Carrilo Elementary in the South San Antonio Independent School District up until his arrest.

Between January 2004 and May 2006, charging information alleges that a now 13 year old boy was fondled and photographed in his underwear. Additional allegations include that sex acts were performed on the boy, who was 11 years old and in the fourth grade at the time. Alcoser, 41, was arrested at an area hospital where he was being treated for an unknown medical condition. (Regardless of his physical condition, if guilty, this man needs serious psychological help.)
Photo Courtesy of Express-News.

Apparently Alcoser was arrested after several digital images of a teen age boy having sex with adult males were seized from his home. Alcoser has been charged with aggravated sexual assault. He is to be considered innocent until proven guilty. Bond is set at $75,000.

1-27-09 Thanks to Spammers, comments on this topic are now closed.


  1. .

    Ralph, this story makes me want to ralph...

    There are some real sick people in this world.


  2. What is it about the teaching profession that attracts so many pedophile types?

  3. Let's give this guy psychological help while BEHIND BARS.

  4. Anonymous,

    "What is it about the teaching profession that attracts so many pedophile types?"

    Simple, if you're attracted to children you'll go where they are . . .

  5. Lets outlaw teachers...

  6. Alcoser = A loser! Just drop the c and then you will see what the world now knows.


  7. Bring back corporal punishment...

    for teachers and principals!

  8. 75k is not enough bond!

  9. Hope he is never around kids again!

  10. Bring back corporal punishment for teachers and principals who abuse little kids!

  11. For all those people that left their comments, shame on you, you are probably not even professionals but have the guts to post a comment on someone you really do not know. News media is always looking for excuses specially if you are hispanic, but had it been a WHITE, the name would never have been posted.

  12. Adults in a position of authority over children have no business having inappropriate relationships with minor chldren children. Now, the article says "accused" and uses the word "alleged." It also reminds readers of innocent until proven guilty.

    AT NO TIME DOES the story or the comments refer to race. RACE is not relevant! Please do not try to insult readers by interjecting a race issue because it is not. Many stories of teachers of all race are in the archives. i.e. Debra Lafave. This is a story about an adult who MAY have abused his position of authority with a minor. I emphasize may. That is it. Personally, I did not even know Michael's national origin until you raised the comment!

  13. Play the race card some where else, cause it don't fly on this forum. Suspects are innocent until proven guilty without any reference to race, religion or sex. But if he is convicted, he will be viewed as one of those inappropriate adults...

  14. Play the race card some where else, cause it don't fly on this forum. Suspects are innocent until proven guilty without any reference to race, religion or sex. But if he is convicted, he will be viewed as one of those inappropriate adults...

  15. I have known Michael Alcoser for over 25 years. He was my brother's best friend, my 3rd grade teacher, and a pillar to the community for as many years as I can recall.

    It will be interesting to find out that this all happened after dealing with a brain tumor that needed surgery. When you play with the brain, you never know. . .

    What he did was inexcusable. But as I have learned, you don't just do a blanket judgment on people. That is for God and the courts to handle. You never know when it may be your best friend or relative.

  16. A brain tumor that incapacitated judgment may be a defense. This would be a tough burden for any defense and I suspect Alcoser will be looking to plea.

  17. I can't believe this happened, I actually know this guy...he was my teacher but at price elementary, i couldn't believe it when i saw it on the news. He was really nice to everybody, i guess i know why now...i would have never thought that he would do such sick awful things...

  18. Let's hope Michael Alcoser gets better, both physically and mentally.

  19. My Old Principal
    My Old School.

  20. Any personal insights?

  21. I worked with the guy. He was a family pillar to the community. However, as with anybody, he should be tried for his actions. I feel sorry for his victims. Whatever he did with them, they did not deserve any of it.

  22. Some times even nice guys are creeps because of disease....

  23. Just why is it that decent folks can go bad? Is it disease? Is it the inability to surpress bad thoughts that had always been present but repressed?
