Monday, January 21, 2008

L.A. Experiences Senseless Shootings Designed To Terminate Parties- by Surfer Dude

One thing California always had going for it is kick @ss parties. Now, the safety of any such socialization has come into question because of an epidemic of idiots. Two senseless shootings rocked the L.A. area. The first occurred late Saturday at a Long Beach Masonic temple. Allegedly, several gang members crashed a birthday party and started a fight, according to police Sgt. Dina Zapalski. A 17-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl died of gunshot wounds. Another 17-year-old boy was wounded. Attendees at the party were taken by bus to a nearby elementary school for interrogation. The party had hundreds of people because it had been publicized on the internet.

The second shooting occured early Sunday. Four men turned up at a party in Compton and opened fire according to Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Tony Moore. Eight people were wounded in the Compton shooting. Of the wounded, three of them are believed to be in critical condition. Police are trying to determine if the attacks are related.


  1. You're right Surfer Dude, and it only takes one idiot to ruin it for everyone else. Sad, that kids just can't go party and have fun without this kinda stuff going on. These sound like they could have been gangsta rap-type situations. Innocent bystanders can so easily be caught in the crossfire. Senseless.

  2. Senseless is right!

  3. Maybe this will have the limited redeeming social value of ending these ridiculous mega parties...

  4. Just keep em away from the beach...

