Monday, January 28, 2008

Did Neglectful Parenting by China Arnold Sentence Her Baby Daughter Paris Talley to Death By MicroWave? by Legal Pub

When Legal Pub discussed a parent freezing a child because she could not afford a casket LINK some disgust was inevitably generated. Now China Arnold is accused of putting her baby daughter, Paris Talley, in the microwave oven! Specifically, prosecutors accuse Arnold of killing her 1-month-old daughter, Paris Talley, by putting her in a microwave in 2005. Arnold's attorneys deny the allegations. However, the autopsy apparently revealed that the baby suffered high-heat internal injuries. The baby had no external burns so scalding water, open flame or other possible causes of death that could have damaged the skin were all ruled out. (China Arnold is in the A.P. Photo to the left.)

Defense attorney Jon Paul Rion said Arnold had nothing to do with her daughter's death. Arnold took her baby to the hospital after finding her unconscious. Arnold says she does not know how her baby died. Detective Michael Galbraith claims Arnold told him she arrived home in the early morning hours after drinking, fell asleep and was awakened at 2:30 a.m. by the baby's crying. She said she warmed a bottle in the microwave oven and tried to give it to the baby. She changed the child's diaper and then fell asleep on the couch with the baby on her chest. Arnold and her children were the only ones in the apartment until her boyfriend arrived several hours later and noticed something was wrong with the baby.

According to Galbraith, Arnold told him: "If I hadn't gotten so drunk, I guess my baby wouldn't have died." Robert Belloto, a staff pharmacist at Good Samaritan Hospital, testified he does not believe it would have been possible for Arnold to place the baby in the microwave because Arnold was so intoxicated. (Arnold allegedly consumed about 40 percent of a pint of high-proof rum in 90 minutes.)

If convicted of aggravated murder, China Arnold, may face the death penalty.

Update 2-2-08: Linda Williams, a former cell mate, testified Thursday that China confessed to the crime, saying the baby "fit right in" the oven.

Update 9-9-08: China Arnold, 28, was spared the death penalty because the Dayton, Ohio jury failed to reach a consensus. Attorney Jon Paul Rion will seek a new trial.


  1. She warmed her up in the microwave only because she would not fit in the toaster.

  2. IF she is guilty, she should FRY!

  3. I heard about a cat exploding in the microwave. Would not the baby had exploded too?

  4. would a kid fit in a microwave?


  5. Followers of the China Arnold aggravated murder case can no longer check online for new developments and public records. Montgomery County Common Pleas Special Judge John Kessler issued a decision that ordered Clerk of Courts Greg Brush to remove case documents from the court's online publication.

  6. This is horrible, but more common than we think. Why do people like this keep breeding? If you want to party, and live vicariously please tie your tubes!

  7. The facts do not look good for China Arnold. China and Paris are nice names, but why don't the mother and daughter share last names?

  8. We have to have a license to drive but any moron can have a kid? WTF? Yeah, yeah, I know, fundamental freedoms, etc. But still?!

    We have an entire generation of certain segments of our society (well, large numbers anyway) who believe that kids are just a means to an end. Be it welfare or child support. They are not taught, and do not value or appreciate the consequences and responsibilities, of having children while out of wedlock and/or while in dire economic conditions.

    Look at dogs, cats, rabbits, any animals at all. The reproductive strategy is the same. Just have as many as possible, regardless of living conditions, and hope for the best.

    It is my opinion that humans are not that different.

    We’re going to continue to reproduce until the absolute limit of this planet’s holding capacity…until something controls our population through involuntary means. We’re not collectivity smart enough to do it ourselves.

    And even mild mannered restrictions, abstinence, wait until marriage, find a good man, if you want to be a single mom and single-handedly populate the planet don’t look for a handout…we’re not going to encourage that. Want social assistance? Fine, submit to drug testing, etc.

    But I digress.

    Just a dirtbag. Range me.


  9. China is innocent! Paris may have died of spontaneous internal combustion. It has been known to happen, you know.


  10. I have never been that drunk!

  11. Update 2-2-08: Linda Williams, a former cell mate, testified Thursday that China confessed to the crime, saying the baby "fit right in" the oven.

  12. Save China...

    Save Chin

    Save Chi

    Save C.

    Ah just forget it...

  13. You chilly hunny? Let me warm ya up...

  14. Update 9-9-08: China Arnold, 28, was spared the death penalty because the Dayton, Ohio jury failed to reach a consensus. Attorney Jon Paul Rion will seek a new trial.

  15. This is one sick momma.

  16. Perhaps she really did just make a mistake.

  17. This lady,China, appears as fragile as her name sake.

  18. Spammer: China Arnold's misfortune aint nothing to party about!

  19. Would an appropriate sentence be to deport "China" Arnold to the mother land?

  20. Thanks for sharing the link, but unfortunately it seems to be down... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!

    I would appreciate if a staff member here at could post it.


  21. She now taking a funky trip to China Town (Disneyland)

  22. LOL. But really, its not funny.

  23. not funny at all... she may be locked up for a long time...
