Wednesday, January 9, 2008

David Dalaia and James O'Hare Take Their Buddy Virgilio Cintron For A Stroll To Cash His Social Security Check, While Beth Ann Chester Has Visual Aid?

David J. Dalaia (65) and James O'Hare (65) pushed Virgilio Cintron from a Manhattan apartment that O'Hare and Cintron shared to Pay-O-Matic in order to cash Cintron's social security check. Normally, a nice thing to do. But in this case it could be fraud if they knew Cintron was dead. (Perhaps the defendants did not know he was dead or didn't realize that this may be wrong?)

"The witnesses saw the two pushing the chair with Cintron flopping from side to side and the two individuals propping him up and keeping him from flopping from side to side," said Browne a New York police spokesman. A police detective who was having lunch at a restaurant next to the check-cashing store noticed a crowd forming around Cintron's body, and "it's immediately apparent to him that Cintron is dead," Browne said.

(Now that is great detective work! The Irony is that Citron, being dead, is ineligible to cash a check, but likely he will be allowed to vote in the next elections. Go figure. As always the suspects are presumed to be 100% innocent unless and until proven otherwise!)

Beth Ann Chester

In an unrelated act of incredibly bad judgment, Beth Ann Chester, a 26 year old health and physical education teacher at Moon Area High School in suburban Pittsburgh, was charged with sexual abuse of children, statutory sexual assault and related counts. She admitted to having sexual relations with a 14 year old student. Police found naked photos of the teacher on the boy's cell phone.


  1. .

    Two observations:

    1. Maybe Cintron owed rent.

    2. Maybe Beth Ann Chester was just tutoring the young lad and helping him with anatomy.


  2. What is with all these cougar teachers?

  3. Cougar teachers, indeed. It's a double betrayal of trust - as an adult, and as a teacher.

    Absolutely reprehensible.

  4. Sorry, but I would have stayed in high school longer if I had teachers that took such an aggressive interest in the STUDENT BODY.


  5. Didn't the body stink?

    How could they think that would work?

  6. This reminds me of one of my favorite movies "Weekend at Bernie's" ~ Tee-hee

  7. Ms. C., you are right. It is another example of life imitating the movies.

  8. Maybe they would have been smarter to use direct deposit?

    Nope, still fraud!

  9. Bizarre people in this world!

  10. That kids cell phone so busted Beth Chester! Chester the molester?

  11. Can't believe they pushed him down the street in his computer chair!

  12. Rolling. Rolling. Rolling down the road to Social Security...

  13. Just taking him out for a little fresh air... that apartment was beginning to stink...

  14. The teacher used equally bad judgment as the corpse pushers!

  15. I will bet this is the typical "no sex drive with boyfriend or husband teacher" but at school she is a "hormone raging cougar" seeking to pounce on children.

    Brad C.

  16. Got to agree with Brad. I was married to a teacher once. Zero sex drive!

    They must spend all their sexual energy on students and other teachers individuals that "can relate to them."


  17. What is it with some teachers? The women are just plain cold to their significant others and all hot to trot with little kids?


  18. Chester is a big disappointment if the allegations are true.
