Friday, January 25, 2008

Clarence Prevost Gets 5 Million Dollars For Testifying Against Zacarias Moussaoui! -by Legal Pub

Who says crime does not pay? If you are a witness like flight instructor Clarence Prevost, who testifies against a terrorist like Zacarias Moussaoui, it can pay millions. (Moussaoui is pictured in the A.P. Sheriff's photo.) Our government paid a $5 million Prevost who provided authorities with information that led to the arrest and conviction of 911 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui. The reward is provided by the State Department's "Rewards for Justice" program which was created in 1984. It has paid about $77 million in rewards to more than 50 people.

Officially, the Government does not identify Prevost as a witness, but others have revealed his name based on condition of anonymity. The former Navy and Northwest Airlines pilot is now certifiably rich! At age 69, he should have no worries about retirement. Apparently he was Moussaoui's flight instructor at the Pan Am International Flight Academy (near Minneapolis.) Prevost apparently was one of the individuals who informed the FBI as to one or more pilots with a suspicious desire to pilot jumbo jets.

Moussaoui at one point confessed to being the "20th hijacker" and was sentenced to life in prison without parole in 2006. According to Moussaoui, he was to have piloted a fifth plane on Sept. 11 and fly it into the White House. After his conviction, Moussaoui recanted his testimony.

Pan Am flight instructors, Tim Nelson and Hugh Sims, are also credited with tipping the FBI to Moussaoui. They were honored by the Senate in 2005 with a resolution that commended their "bravery" and "heroism." However, apparently neither Nelson nor Sims got any cash! Jodie Quinn-Nelson (Tim's wife) apparently believes the reward should have been given to her husband. Legal Pub wonders, does there need to be a reward for patriotism?

2-8-10 Update: Comments are closed on this topic except for those submitted by email. Submit further comments on this topic to


  1. When I read this I feel jealousy and greed on the part of the other witnesses!


  2. One should not need a reward for doing the right thing!

  3. Patriots are fine football players and they are all compensated well so why should these guys not get paid to testify?

    Surfer Dude

  4. Somethings rotten in Denmark if you need to pay people to protect their country.

  5. I wonder how many dollars per word of testimony that worked out to be?

  6. How fair is it to pay for testimony?

  7. Clarence! What you talking about Willis?

  8. 5 Million reasons is what we are talking about...

  9. I think these guys would have done the right thing, regardless. I just feel bad for the other two. Seems like they should receive a reward also.

  10. Baldy deserved to go to jail

  11. Quite a handsome tip for a tipster!


  12. Small price to pay...

  13. Money talks so people don't walk!
