Saturday, December 29, 2007

Legal Pub Plans Great Stories for 2008 Whereas Jim Leyritz May Have Jail Time in Next Years Plans - by Legal Pub

Legal Pub will announce the winning story on New Years Eve. In the meantime, if you have a favorite Legal Pub story of 2007 you can vote for it by emailing:

Plans for 2008 include a story on the Hatch Act and Legal Pub's Solution to Reduce Domestic Violence. The first is a little known statute that makes political candidates ineligible and the latter an excellent method for revamping custody and child support laws as we currently know them. Would it not be a great world if we could eliminate other maladies such as the danger of drunk driving? Take for example former major leaguer Jim Leyritz. Leyritz was a star in the 1996 world series. He was arrested Friday on charges of driving under the influence and killing another driver. (He is charged with DUI manslaughter and DUI property damage.) Detective Kathy Collins, of the Fort Lauderdale police indicated that he posted the $11,000 bond and was released from Broward County jail. Police suspect alcohol was involved in the crash, although investigators are awaiting the official results of blood alcohol tests. (Photo is courtesy of Getty Images.)

Leyritz played for six major league teams and was last in the majors in 2000. At age 44, these are devastating charges with serious consequences. But he consequences for the other driver, Fredia Ann Veitch were worse. The 30 year old was ejected from her 2000 Mitsubishi Montero ultimately resulting in her death. Leyritz was driving a 2006 Ford Expedition. Veitch died at Broward General Medical Center. Witnesses told police Leyritz had a red light. Leyritz reportedly had red, watery eyes, a flushed face and an odor of alcohol according to the police report. From legendary sports hero to "dirt bag criminal," it is only a drink and drive away from reality.


  1. Thanks, this reminds me to take a cab on New Year Eve.


  2. I suspect this guy's life is over as he knew it. The family of the victim is destroyed and all because this fool didn't just stay home or call a cab. Some of us just never learn.

  3. I'm really glad you published this, becasue we were talking about it last nght around the dinner table, and I was wishing for the insights of legally-knowledgable minds!

    Leyritz was completely irresponsible in his actions, and they had disastrous consequences for all.

    But - the driver was thrown from her vehicle. Can it be determined whether or not she was wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash? (my guess is she wasn't.) Are there laws in FL that make it mandatory to wear a seat belt? If she was in violation of the law - or even if there's no law, and she wan't wearing a seat belt - does the victim bear any responsiblity on the tragic outcome?

    I'm not saying she deserved to die for not wearing a seat belt - horrors; no, never - just saying that maybe even 'innocent victims' make decisions that are more likely to put them in the 'innocent victim' category.

  4. Generally speaking, most states have laws that failure to wear a seat belt is an infraction. However, most states also do not allow admission of evidence that someone was not wearing a seatbelt in a civil trial.

    While it may be admissible in a criminal trial, it is not a defense to the crime of manslaughter.

  5. Waste of humanity.


  6. I enjoyed both the solution to reduce domestic violence and the Hatch Act articles! Anything else to look forward to this year?
