Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Is Debra Lafave or An Electric Type Writer The Bomb? Update 1-11-08

Legal Pub asks the legitimate question, is Debra Lafave the bomb or is an electric typewriter? Police apparently have answered yes to both in separate incidents. Seriously! Debra Lafave was an attractive middle school teacher convicted of having sex with a teenage student. The boy was 14 at the time. She has now been arrested again for violating probation. Lafave, 26, is serving three years house arrest. In addition she must be on probation for seven years. (The A.P. photo shows Lafave in 2005.)

So, what did Lafave do to get arrested again? According to a Department of Corrections report, She talked about her personal life with a teenage waitress at a restaurant. (Both Lafave and the teenage girl worked at the same restaurant.)

Why is it a violation? Her probation restricts her from any unsupervised contact with a minors without permission.

Ok, any one can see why a man might think Debra Lafave is the bomb, but how can a typewriter be called "da bomb?" Sarasota Florida police were embarrassed after they closed streets for a suspicious typewriter! While young readers may not know what an electric typewriter looks like, mature residents of Florida should! Electric typewriters commonly sold at Walmart of K-mart back in the day, came with a briefcase-like carrying-case. This particular typewriter was seen in a locked cage under a stairwell in a county parking facility. The only people with access to the cage would have been county officials and thus a security alert was triggered. Chief Abbott had the typewriter detonated and Sarasota was saved from evil intent. (If only they could destroy all the word processors and computers, then perhaps negative press would disappear.)
Update 1-11-08:
Circuit Judge J. Rogers Padgett found Debra Lafave violated her probation by having the conversations, but he said her transgressions were "neither willful or substantial." So no jail time for Debra Lafave!

Update 4-16-08 A Tampa judge has ordered an end to Debra Lafave's house arrest, just four months after allegedly violating her probation. Debra Lafave's attorney filed the motion. Lafave remains on probation for the next 7 years. She has completed 28 months of the house and will officially end on July 11th.

Update 4-28-8 In February a South Carolina judge sentenced Allenna Ward to fifteen years for each lewd act count against her. (This was reduced to six years.) She received another six years for each second-degree criminal sexual conduct count. (This is to be served concurrently.) Allenna Ward is a married 24 year old teacher who taught at Bell Street Middle School in Clinton, South Carolina. She allegedly had sex with several 14 and 15-year-old students. Ward was fired from her teaching position on February 28, 2007. She plead guilty in September. A forensic psychiatrist provided testimony in support of home detention rather then prison. (Appararently, Ward suffers from a repressed childhood and personality disorders possibly arising out of living a sheltered childhood in her minister father's home.) However unlike Debra Lafave, Ward will serve her time in prison.


  1. .
    If Lafave had been my teacher, I swear I would have enjoyed school more and skipped less. I may not have accomplished the goals that I have obtained (ultimate beach bum) but I sure as heck would be more educated if she had personally tutored me.

    Surfer Dude

  2. If this was a pervert male child molesting pedophile teacher, would anyone be outraged by his violating probation?

    Well, just because she is an average some what attractive woman does not make her probation violation any less offensive.


  3. "some what attractive" are you nuts?


  4. Lafave is the bomb, not the type writer!

  5. I don't know, type written words can be pretty sharp!

    Safety boy

  6. Speaking of sharp, La Fave is Hot!

  7. Danny, Thanks for your post on Legal Pub. It was excellent and well thought out. In visiting your site, I could not help but be impressed with all the photos of Debra Lafave. I guess I forgot just how attractive she can be...

    Looks like most judges will understand that this is a joint mistake and allow her to work

  8. Yup, Dan is the man when it comes to Lafave photos. She should be modeling for all the top magazines. Who needs teaching? Who needs little boys?

  9. Update 1-11-08: Circuit Judge J. Rogers Padgett found Debra Lafave violated her probation by having the conversations, but he said her transgressions were "neither willful or substantial." So no jail time for Debra Lafave!

  10. Update 4-16-08 A Tampa judge has ordered an end to Debra Lafave's house arrest, just four months after allegedly violating her probation. Debra Lafave's attorney filed the motion. Lafave remains on probation for the next 7 years. She has completed 28 months of the house and will officially end on July 11th.

  11. Update 4-28-8 In February a South Carolina judge sentenced Allenna Ward to fifteen years for each lewd act count against her. (This was reduced to six years.) She received another six years for each second-degree criminal sexual conduct count. (This is to be served concurrently.) Allenna Ward is a married 24 year old teacher who taught at Bell Street Middle School in Clinton, South Carolina. She allegedly had sex with several 14 and 15-year-old students. Ward was fired from her teaching position on February 28, 2007. She plead guilty in September. A forensic psychiatrist provided testimony in support of home detention rather then prison. (Appararently, Ward suffers from a repressed childhood and personality disorders possibly arising out of living a sheltered childhood in her minister father's home.) However unlike Debra Lafave, Ward will serve her time in prison.
