Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Childhood Obesity is Not As Bad As Parental Denial!

Ever look at a photograph of yourself and say, "Wow, that is a bad photo of me. It doesn't look anything like me?" Or "Wow, the way the light shines in that photo makes me look like I have a bald spot." These are examples of denial. With childhood obesity, parental denial simply fuels a growing problem in the U.S.

A recent survey out of Michigan concluded that many Americans whose children are obese do not see their children as overweight. This magnifies the obesity problem because such children run the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol problems. Common sense tells us that overweight children are likely to grow up to be overweight adults."It suggests to me that parents of younger kids believe that their children will grow out of their obesity, or something will change at older ages," said Dr. Matthew M. Davis, from University of Michigan (professor of pediatrics and internal medicine.)The Michigan researchers found parents underestimated their offsprings weight.
National estimates indicate about 17 percent of U.S. children are obese. By the looks of things at the local buffet, I suspect this figure may reflect a National estimate equally blinded by reality. So skip the cookies and candy canes as fruit can make for many more happy holidays in the future.


  1. The apple does not fall far from the tree. How many Americans do you know who train hard? Not many. Just look around you today with a critical eye.

    Look at the women with legs barely muscled enough to hold their own weight, much less run, jump, kick, or walk 30 miles a day.

    Look at the men whose bellies hang over their belts, their flat non-running sitting on the couch asses, walking down the street.

    Ask yourself, how many people did you see today who could run a 400 yard sprint, jump a 6 foot fence, swim a ¼ mile, and then hike a 10 mile hump with 50 pounds? Probably not but one, if that!

    And the said thing is, the above is really not all that hard. Basically it’s just being in basic, decent human shape. When I go train I see many people who could do such basic human physical tasks. You know them when you see them. They look different. They look better.

    All the above are examples in support of my position that we have many more obese kids because we have an obese society.

    Eating is important, but so is training oneself. Body as well as mind.

    Americans are…generally speaking…fat, soft, and pathetically out of shape.



  2. Got to agree with L.S. Everyday I get up and look around and see out of shape blubber. It is disgusting. Then I get away from the mirror and the rest of the world looks oh so much better. Moral, train your eyes. If they get used to you, then the rest of the world looks like a kinder gentler place.

    William P.

  3. Hey, my boy is not fat. He is big boned. So is my wife. Get it straight.


  4. Nope, it is not the food we eat. We all have thyroid problems that slow down our metabolism. If we had normal thyroids, all women would look like Paris Hilton.


  5. Unfortunately, I not around large groups of kids often...But when I am, more out of the bunch appear to be obese...Opposed To 10+ years ago you'd only perhaps see 1 or 2...

    BWDB http://thecwexperience.wordpress.com

  6. So, CW, is Nellie right? Is it because of all our metabolism problems that we are become a society of lard asses?

    Holla back


  7. A society of no will power!

  8. It is a society in which parents are scared to discipline or tell a child no!

  9. It is a society in which parents are scared to discipline or tell a child no!

  10. No! There I said it. Say no to spoiled overweight brats.


  11. Children's food intake can and should be controlled by parents.Put away the treats, turn off the t.v. and start being active with your kids!

    My Children's Mom

  12. Parents are killing our youth with excessive amounts of processed carbohydrates.
