Thursday, December 27, 2007

Barron Hilton To Donate 97% Of Wealth To Conrad Hilton Foundation- Paris Hilton To Become Poor?

In Seattle, Washington, Michele Kristen Anderson and her boyfriend, Joseph Thomas McEnroe, apparently shot and killed Michele's mother and five other family members on Christmas Eve over a dispute concerning money. The dead include Michele Anderson's father and mother, Wayne Scott Anderson and Judy Anderson. Also killed were Scott Anderson (Michele's brother) and his wife, Erica; and their two children, Olivia (6) and Nathan (3). Needless deaths all because of money...

Money can be a source of evil, but it can also help a lot of needy people
. For example, Barron Hilton donated 2.3 billion dollars to charity. As a result, the tabloids are reporting that Paris Hilton's future wealth may take a serious nose dive. Don't count on it. Despite Barron Hilton announcing on Wednesday that he would be giving 97 percent of his $2.3 billion fortune to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, that will not leave Ms. Hilton without options. While Paris may have inherited a $30 million windfall in the absence of this charitable donation, there remains about $130 million left for the family. Furthermore, Paris has her own business and investment interests. Paris will be fine with or without Grampa's money. In fact, this may motivate and inspire Paris to great accomplishments (including future employment with Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.

Grandpa Barron was allegedly "embarrassed" by Paris' behavior. If that is true, then he might also be pleasantly surprised that since her DWI she has taken some steps to improve herself both in and out of the board room. Will Paris Hilton ever be perfect? No. No one ever is. Will Paris embarrass her family again in the future or will she be a decent citizen and amass her own wealth and charitable foundations? That is up to Paris, but with her looks and knack for business, don't bet too much against her.


  1. I think Paris will be just fine. She knows how to make money. If she cuts back on her expenses, she will be on the Forbes list in no time!


  2. Paris is a brat. Sorry! She needs to get a job working as a waitress for a few years and see how to earn money the good old fashion way.


  3. That shooting in Seattle hardly fits in with Paris...

    Paris did not shoot anyone over money.


  4. Well Gonze, In Pub's defense, both are "hot news" stories. Both involve family disputes over money.

    Now I could also add elements of greed intrigue and sexual innuendoe but then you might get too excited and lose focus.

    Stick with us, you will catch on...


  5. Paris will have to start shopping at walmart.


  6. That is one huge charitable deduction!

    tax man

  7. I find this part of the story kind of ironic:

    The Hilton foundation was established in 1944; Conrad Hilton died in 1979, and left virtually all his money, including his reported 27 percent controlling stake in Hilton Hotels, to the charity.

    Barron challenged the will and, after a nearly decade-long legal struggle, reportedly reached an out-of-court settlement to split ownership of the shares with the foundation in 1988.

  8. Ms. C., I think this may mean that Barron Hilton has now seen the wisdom of Conrad Hilton and thus he now is returning the money with interest!

  9. Paris, come out come out where ever you are...

    Response: Oh Whatever....

  10. Paris is doing just fine!

  11. Paris is still flying high!
