Thursday, November 8, 2007

Priest David Ajemian Arrested For Stalking Childish Conan O'Brien? Update 4-9

Yesterday we gave the clergy props for being out of the news and letting teachers fill the pedophile spotlight. Unfortunately, a priest steps up into the media spot light for stalking, not a child, but a childish comedian, Conan O'Brien. (Ever watch O'Brien's antics during his introduction?) Rev. David Ajemian, a priest in the Archdiocese of Boston, was arrested on charges of stalking late-night talk host Conan O'Brien. Allegedly, Father Ajemian wrote O'Brien threatening notes on parish letterhead (talk about leaving a paper trail), contacting O'Brien's parents and even showing up at NBC.
Conan O'Brien

Why did the arrest occur? Rev. David Ajemian was arrested last week because he attempted to enter a taping session of "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" at New York's Rockefeller Plaza.

What did the priest write? Ajemian referred to himself as "your priest stalker" in one note. When denied access to one of the tapings, Ajemian apparently wrote, "Is this the way you treat your most dangerous fan?"

When did this stalking allegedly occur? The letters and e-mails apparently started in September 2006, continued even after Ajemian was asked to stop. "I want a public confession before I ever consider giving you absolution -- or a spot on your couch," apparently wrote Ajemian. (Is this a sexual reference?)

How does O'Brien know this priest? O'Brien has been silent and has not publicly explained if he knew Ajemian. However, it is believed that O'Brien has participated in fund raising activities for the archdiocese. Furthermore, Ajemian and OBrien may have attended Harvard University at the same time. O'Brien graduated in 1985, and Ajemian apparently also attended Harvard in the early 80's. O'Brien apparently also has another priest friend from the same arch diocese.

What possible penalty does the priest face? A conviction for aggravated harassment and stalking carries a penalty of up to a year in jail.

One thing we learned a few weeks ago in Southern California is that where there is smoke, there may be fire. Look for possible news to develop on the relationship (whether real or imaginative) of O'brien and Ajemian. After all, with the T.V. writers on strike, reality news moves into the entertainment spotlight.
Update 4-9-08. The Priest was found guilty and sentenced (if you will) to staying away from Conan O'Brien for two years. Is that cruel and unusual punishment?


  1. Hey, cute priest - maybe he'll be available soon? What do you think blonde bombshell? I'm game.

  2. A little 411 on O'brien:

    He graduated as valedictorian from the Brookline High School.He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with a B.A. in History and Literature. He lived in Mather House and wrote for the Harvard Lampoon humor magazine.
    While attending Harvard, O'Brien was roommates with Damon Krukowski (drummer for the indie band Galaxie 500.)

    O'Brien partnered with Harvard classmate Greg Daniels (executive producer of King of The Hill and The Office) as staff writers on Wilton North Report for Fox Broadcasting.
    From 1988 to 1991, he wrote for Saturday Night Live.

    O'Brien and the Late Night writing team won an Emmy Award for Best Writing in a Comedy in 2007. In 1997, 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2004 he and the Late Night writing staff won the Writers Guild Award for Best Writing in a Comedy/Variety Series.

    In 2001, he formed his own television production company, Conaco. On the first "Late Night" episode after September 11th, O'Brien told a story of how he went to pray for the first time in eight years.O'Brien had been shaken up and talked about a need to have faith.

    In the fall of 2005, O'Brien discovered that he was popular in Finland. He began joking that he resembles the first female President of Finland, Tarja Halonen.

    Conan joked about a fictional website name "" on t.v. and NBC purchased the website domain name. NBC now owns the rights to the website for 10 years.

    In 2004, Conan was named as Jay Leno's replacement when he leaves the "Tonight Show" in 2009.

    On January 12, 2002, O'Brien married Elizabeth Ann 'Liza' Powel of Seattle, Washington. O'Brien met Powel, an ad executive, in 2000. Officiating at the wedding was O'Brien's long-time friend, Father Paul B. O' Brien. O"brien and the priest have founded Labels Are For Jarsan anti-hunger organization based in Lawrence, MA.

    Conan and Liza have a daughter, Neve, born October 14, 2003[18] and a son, Beckett, born November 9, 2005.


  3. Wow scoop. Too much information.

    Yeah Ms. C, an inexperienced man is right up my alley. He probably would be less critical of the wart on my nose and the frayed bristles on my broom stick.


  4. Certainly the priest and Conan were not "friends".... why they have little in common.


  5. Conan may be silly, but I do not think he is child like or is childish. Therefore, I conclude the priest would have had no interest in him and thus is innocent.

    Free the Priest and let him get back to a more target friendly environment.

  6. Why is he silent as to whether he knew the priest?

  7. Good point, Shell. I suppose I should look into the blind.

  8. Priest David Ajemian is being evaluated by a psychologist courtesy of the state. He is still a young man and hopefully this is a temporary set back.


  9. Actually, Ms C., for me the search needs to be more narrow. I need an inexperienced, blind man with a excellent listening skills who has a limited vocabulary (says "yes, mam to all instructions) who is otherwised able bodied and a hard worker.

    Unfortunately, I just have not seen many of these around. I may have to invent one in the laboratory with the help of Dr. Frankenstein.


  10. Conan has been pretty quiet about this...

  11. Update 4-9-08. The Priest was found guilty and sentenced (if you will) to staying away from Conan O'Brien for two years. Is that cruel and unusual punishment?
