Saturday, November 10, 2007

Why Would Any Woman Named Laci or Stacy Marry A Peterson? Sgt. Drew Peterson Now Suspect in Stacy Peterson Disappearance and Perhaps in Savio Death?

Legal Pub attempts to take the high road in reporting alleged crime. Legal Pub completely avoided coverage of the murder trial of Scott Peterson (convicted of killing Laci Peterson.) But in a current search for justice, Legal Pub could no longer avoid the story growing out of Bollingbrook, Illinois where Sgt. Drew Peterson, 53, is now considered by police to be a suspect in the disappearance of his 23-year-old fourth wife, Stacy Peterson. After much pressure from Stacy's family members and the media, the case is now considered a potential homicide investigation. State Police Capt. Carl Dobrich officially declared that Peterson is now formally a suspect. The gauntlet has been thrown down and the O.J. Simpson like media frenzy concerning the potential homicide is unavoidable. (Unavoidable, yes. Fair, perhaps not!)

The alleged victim, Stacy Peterson, was last seen Oct. 28, 2007. However, Sgt Peterson apparently claims his wife subsequently phoned him and said she was leaving him for another man. Stacy's family members do not buy it! Stacy's family says she was scared of Drew. Stacy apparently shared with family plans to divorce Drew. A huge custody battle over the couple's two children was anticipated. (Drew also had two sons not born to Stacy and as Viper has taught us, the parent who has custody of the children controls the money. ) "We're sad, but we needed to move on, and this is something we've needed to hear for a long time," said Pamela Bosco, Stacy Peterson's adoptive stepmother.

Investigating police recently obtained court approval to exhume Drew's ex-third wife, Kathleen Savio. Savio was found dead in a bathtub in 2004. In 2004, a coroner's jury ruled the death of Savio was an accident, even though there was no water in the bathtub and the 40-year-old's body was found face-down. Savio's hair was soaked in blood from a head wound. Investigators theorized that she had fallen and hit her head and that the water had drained. Although her death was originally thought to be an accidental drowning, subsequently, additional experts have apparently pontificated that the evidence could be "consistent with the 'staging' of an accident to conceal a homicide." Family members such as Melissa Marie Doman (Savio's niece) supported the decision to exhume Kathleen's body.

According to Savio's family members, Kathleen Savio expressed that her life was in danger prior to her "accident." After an altercation with Drew, she allegedly told authorities that her life was in danger. (However, she was actually charged with domestic battery instead of Drew Peterson. Savio was twice charged in 2002 with domestic batteryand on both occasions found not guilty.) Savio obtained a protective order in 2002 because of an alleged pattern of physical abuse and threats.

Susan Savio (Kathleen's sister) told the coroner's jury that her sister feared Peterson.
Savio allegedly told her family that if she died, no matter what, her death would be "no accident." Will County states attorney, James Glasgow now apparently feels Savio's death was no accident. Peterson is represented by attorney, Fred Morelli. Drew Peterson has denied involvement in his ex-third wife's death or in the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson. DREW PETERSON IS INNOCENT UNTIL OTHERWISE PROVEN GUILTY!
Update 11-11 On 11-10, Peterson took his defense directly to the media.
Drew spoke to Geraldo Rivera. Drew reiterated that he had nothing to do with his wife’s disappearance. Drew complained to Fox that stress caused by media coverage has caused him to lose 25 pounds. More than 100 volunteers have scoured forest preserves and ponds looking without success for Stacy. Rivera relayed denials of any role in his wife’s Oct. 28 disappearance or the 2004 death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio to the media.“I’ve done nothing wrong,” Rivera quoted Peterson.
Update 11-12: Drew if you want a fair forum to reach the masses, Legal Pub is your opportunity. Speak up and remove the speculation or hold your tongue. Your choice.
Update 11-19:
Dr. Michael Baden, a former New York City chief medical examiner, has examined Savio's remains at the request of her relatives. Dr. Baden opines that Savio died after a struggle and that her body was placed in the tub.
Update 11-26: The FBI has joined in the hunt for Stacy Peterson. Unconfirmed reports indicate that Peterson allegedly was seen removing a blue barrel (used to store pool chlorine) from his garage around the time Stacy reportedly disappeared.
Update 12-12:
Peterson's website says he wants to collect money from people who believe he deserves a defense. "For the cost of a few cups of your morning coffee, you can help to ensure that Drew can afford to support his ongoing legal defense, find his missing wife, and divert any remaining funds into a trust for his children."Attorney, Joel Brodsky, said any money collected on will go into a trust account over which Peterson will have no control. (Last we checked the website was not working!)
Update 1-2-08: A grand jury is supposedly considering the evidence to date. Grand jury testimony is secret therefor no testimony can be published. In the mean time, some folks are looking at a canal in Romeoville to see if it holds any clues in the disappearance of Stacy Peterson.

Update 4-30-08 Peterson has apparently had problems with his next door neighbor, Sharon Bychowski. Bychowski apparently was friends with Stacy. Bychowski apparently does not believe Drew's theory that Stacy ran off with another man. About a month or so ago, Bychowski had signs in her windows asking "Where is Stacy?" She also had a 3-by-4-foot sign outside her home. Other neighbors may also allow a sign in their yards. No one knows at this point if Peterson will later be proved guilty. But our law presumes that a suspect is innocent until proven guilty. It appear that Peterson is being harassed and convicted without a trial. Ridicule and threats are not appropriate. At times when the news media attention is especially intense, Peterson apparently gets gets death threats. This is not something we as a society can tolerate. Drew's attorney, Joel Brodsky said."It's a mob mentality that has run away." Keep in mind folks, Drew is innocent until proven guilty. It is not just an idea, it is a fundamental principal of our system of justice.

Update 4-30-10: Update 4-30-10: Lawyering up. Drew Peterson has added Chicago defense attorneys Steven Greenberg, Ralph Meczyk and Darryl Goldberg to his defense team. The three join Joel Brodsky, his partner Reem Odeh and attorney Joseph Lopez. Peterson will be tried in June for the alleged murder of his third wife Kathleen Savio in 2004.


  1. This may be Legal Pub's best story of all time. Good show!


  2. Peterson looks awful guilty!


  3. Update 11-11 On 11-10, Peterson took his defense directly to the media.Drew spoke to Geraldo Rivera. Drew reiterated that he had nothing to do with his wife’s disappearance. Drew complained to Fox that stress caused by media coverage has caused him to lose 25 pounds. More than 100 volunteers have scoured forest preserves and ponds looking without success for Stacy. Rivera relayed denials of any role in his wife’s Oct. 28 disappearance or the 2004 death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio to the media.“I’ve done nothing wrong,” Rivera quoted Peterson.

    Drew if you want a fair forum to reach the masses, Legal Pub is your opportunity. Speak up and remove the speculation or hold your tongue. Your choice.

  4. This is probably the most comprehensive site on the Peterson case. While your article is fair, your headline is not fair to Drew Peterson.

    Drew is innocent. He had nothing to do with his wife's death. Digging up her body will prove nothing. Drew's wife left. He did not kill her. He needs no forgiveness,he just needs fair treatment. Convicting him in the media is not how this country works.

    Is Drew a great husband? Probably not. Is he a murderer? Absolutely not!


  5. "Why Would Any Woman Named Lacy or Stacy Marry A Peterson?"

    Re Scott Peterson - the person who sold Scott the boat was a Peterson and the doctor who did the autopsy was as well. Given that Scott was innocent your point seems to be too obscure.

  6. I am so worried about Drew Peterson's weight loss . . .

  7. I also think the suspician of guilt directed at drew peterson is a product of women stirring the pot. Women have the upper hand in divorce court and public opinion, so why not dominate the media too.


  8. Voice of sanity has a neat web site in support of the innocence of Scott Peterson in his wife Laci's death.

    His posts in favor of Scott may also extend to Drew.


  9. Legal Pub, awesome summary of the info out there on Drew Peterson. Not sure if he is innocent or guilty, but I feel I can discuss it more intelligently because of your article.


  10. I think he is guilty only of choosing bad women!


  11. I too am concerned with Peterson's weight loss. If he is found guilty, and he goes to the slammer, being an ex cop and ll, he won't have near enough padding for jail life.


  12. Mothers do not just disappear if they have children or loved ones. This man is responsible for her demise. Those of you that support his innocence until proven guilty perpetuate the sad state of narcissistic behavior this country has come to.

  13. Our first fundamental principal of justice is that all suspects are presumed innocent until otherwise found guilty after a trial offering due process of law.

  14. The first principle of justice having been said (innocent until proven guilty), Peterson's third wife's accidental death is now officially being treated as a homicide. Peterson needs a good lawyer at this point. Right or wrong, Legal Pub predicts a murder trial in the future for Mr. Peterson.

  15. Update 11-19: Dr. Michael Baden, a former New York City chief medical examiner, has examined Savio's remains at the request of her relatives. Dr. Baden opines that Savio died after a struggle and that her body was placed in the tub.

  16. Nice comprehensive coverage of someone that I suspect is a killer!

  17. I never realized the similarities... Laci and Stacy. HMMM...

  18. What if Stacy Peterson really did run off with some guy? Or what if he has been framed by some criminal who has a grudge against him.

    If so the nation owes an apology to Sgt Peterson.

  19. There is Deputy Tyler Peterson the shooter of teens. Kelsey Peterson the teacher who supposedly got a teen to shoot off his rocks with her. Drew Peterson, another possible cop who may be a killer. Scott Peterson, convicted of killing his wife, Laci. Any other Peterson's that I missed?

  20. The name game: Adrian Peterson plays for the Bears but the other Adrian Peterson plays for the Vikings. Does any one know their wives names?

  21. Drew appeared before a few cameras as he got into a car. What little he did say other than talk to my lawyer was that no family remember helped him remove a barrel from his home.

  22. Peterson has appeared recently with a video camera asking photographers and reporters how they like being filmed and suggesting that perhaps he should camp in front of their homes.

    Drew: You have your opportunity to tell your side of the story right here on Legal Pub. No need to drive over, simply sit down at your computer and type.

  23. Peterson will get himself convicted with his foolish antics.


  24. A woman is like a beautiful rose bush. In bloom, they are beautiful to look at. But if you try to get your hands on their bush, the consequences are nasty. The thorns you feel are real consequences, America...

  25. Just remember, the last thing Stacy said to Drew Peterson was to assign him some house hold tasks. I am under the impression she told Drew to "feed the fish" while she was gone. Perhaps Drew did...


  26. Yes, it is true. Drew and Stacy Peterson do have a daughter named Lacey.

    Too many similarities?

  27. No real progress so far Legal Pub. Seems the truck driver transport theory has hit a dead end. So far all water searches for the Blue barrel have been unproductive.

    Several pathologist disagree as to the cause of death of the third wife with most of them saying they too would call it accidental.

    When something breaks, I will let you know...


  28. Thanks scoops.

    Keep us posted. In the meantime, the fact that she has not yet been found and the fact Peterson has yet to be charged despite his weird behavior may mean the he will never be charged.

    That is unless a body if found. YOur thoughts?

  29. "Innocent until proven guilty" only applies in a court of law. If someone breaks into your house carrying a pillowcase, it's safe to shoot him on the assumption you're being robbed.

    I think he is guilty. Then again, I have to admit, I was pretty darned convinced that those Duke Lacross players were guilty. So maybe this innocent until proven guilty is a recipe that should be followed by all.


  30. Is it wrong to have an opinion if someone is guilty?

  31. Opinions are like butts, everyone has one but few our worth listening to...


  32. Humorous blog about Drew Peterson framing Scott Peterson is located at:

  33. Update 1-2-08: A grand jury is supposedly considering the evidence to date. Grand jury testimony is secret therefor no testimony can be published. In the mean time, some folks are looking at a canal in Romeoville to see if it holds any clues in the disappearance of Stacy Peterson

  34. Drew wants his stuff back!

    Stacy's family want their daughter back...

  35. One of the more perplexing questions of our time. Why indeed, would any one marry a Peterson?

  36. Drew found his third wife's will. Wonder who got her money?

  37. To answer the question, it just goes to show women go for the bad boys types!

  38. Update 4-30-08 Peterson has apparently had problems with his next door neighbor, Sharon Bychowski. Bychowski apparently was friends with Stacy. Bychowski apparently does not believe Drew's theory that Stacy ran off with another man. About a month or so ago, Bychowski had signs in her windows asking "Where is Stacy?" She also had a 3-by-4-foot sign outside her home. Other neighbors may also allow a sign in their yards. No one knows at this point if Peterson will later be proved guilty. But our law presumes that a suspect is innocent until proven guilty. It appear that Peterson is being harassed and convicted without a trial. Ridicule and threats are not appropriate. At times when the news media attention is especially intense, Peterson apparently gets gets death threats. This is not something we as a society can tolerate. Drew's attorney, Joel Brodsky said."It's a mob mentality that has run away." Keep in mind folks, Drew is innocent until proven guilty. It is not just an idea, it is a fundamental principal of our system of justice.

  39. The Grand Jury may be closing in on a decision whether to indict someone for murder. Who that turns out to be, if anyone, remains unknown. Stay tuned.

  40. Keep in mind, the consensus view among scientists is that polygraph testing has no scientific basis. The procedure is inherently biased against the truthful (the best field studies suggest that "if a subject fails a polygraph, the probability that she is, in fact, being deceptive is little more than chance alone") Nevertheless, the inaccuracy of polygraphs may be thrown off by many factors. See:'s free book, The Lie Behind the Lie Detector:

  41. Update 4-30-10: Lawyering up. Drew Peterson has added Chicago defense attorneys Steven Greenberg, Ralph Meczyk and Darryl Goldberg to his defense team. The three join Joel Brodsky, his partner Reem Odeh and attorney Joseph Lopez. Peterson will be tried in June for the alleged murder of his third wife Kathleen Savio in 2004.
