Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nun Norma Giannini Allegedly Sexually Assaulted Children Back In Her Teaching Days

hile serving as a Catholic nun who was principal of a Milwaukee school. She is accused of sexually assaulting children as many as 200 times. In particular, two male students came forward with tales of abuse in the 1960s at St. Patrick's Elementary School in Milwaukee.

For example, according to the criminal complaint Giannini instructed one boy to open the buttons on her habit. He apparently was unable to do so, so she opened up her own buttons and told him to feel her breasts. Another accuser claims he sat on a sofa and Giannini removed his pant . (This could have been a good old fashion paddling!) She then allegedly pulled him on top of her. (Oops there went the corporal punishment defense.) The Sisters of Mercy statement read, "Whether old or new, such a matter still runs counter to the very ministry of the Sisters of Mercy."

Sister, Giannini at age
79 has pleaded no contest to two counts of indecent behavior with a child for incidents which occurred back in the 1960s.


  1. Whoaaaaooh! After 12 years of Catholic School this may bring out my PTSD!

  2. exactly ms c. late claims are all about compensarrion.

  3. Rather stern looking woman. Not sure I would want to touch her breasts at any age.


  4. Stern is not the word. Darn right frigid. It reminds me of the nuns of yesteryear that cracked your knuckles
    for talking in class.


  5. Damn! I'm scared...thanks...but no thanks.

    I'm with Ralph.


  6. L.S.,, thought you fell off the face of the earth. Frankly, we should all hope we look as good as Norma Giannini when we are in our late 70's. She may be totally innocent, but at 79 she apparently had no motivation to fight the charges. She won't see any jail time, I bet. And if she did, it has to beat the life on the outside that one can afford on the archdiocese pension.


  7. That is disgusting. Sick!

  8. Disgusting, perhaps. But it is a part of life and you need to recognize bad people so you can avoid it.

  9. Trauma! These kids have been terrorized by acts and omissions that children should never need to experience, in my opinion.

  10. Hands off the merchandise, teachers!

  11. Just her stare alone is cold enough to make me do anything!
