Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Marriage Can Be A Terrifying Experience; Ask Haider al-Bahadli!

Sure, we have now all heard the Marriage Strike Advocates warning of the pitfalls of marriage. We have even seen how husbands like Scott Peterson and Drew Peterson are suspected of killing their wives. But get a look at this dangerous Baghdad beauty of a bride. Soldiers stopped a wedding party at a check point and discovered one of the homeliest brides that ever existed. Iraqi Defense Ministry official's revealed that the bride was Haider al-Bahadli, a partially bearded male terrorist wearing a white bride's dress and veil.

According to the Iraqi Defense Ministry, Bahadli and "groom" Abbas al-Dobbi are both wanted in connection with terrorism. An alternative charge would be "nightmare bride."


  1. That is one ugly bride! Homely as a man's rear end. Well at least as homely as a man's stubble covered face.


  2. Wedding parties are great ways to disguise terrorism.

    Even here in the states. Once you marry a woman who is disguised as being nice, it can turn real nasty. Suddenly you are being held for rand some. Eventually you surrender half your assets and may even have to pay alimony on top of that.

    Bitter in Washington

  3. Who could bring that home to momma?

  4. Terrorist are not just men (or women seeking money through divorce..) A woman wearing an explosives belt blew herself up near an American patrol northeast of Baghdad - The female suicide bombing wounded seven U.S. troops and five Iraqis.


  5. how'd that song go? "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life . . . take an ugly woman for your wife . . ."

  6. All the guys I know 55 and older are telling me the same story; don't do it. It just turns to crap no matter what you do. They'd rather be independent. At best it's a tedious bore. At worst a living hell with financial ruin thrown in for good measure. When you're young, you just naturally fall into this mind set where your whole self image is based on how women regard you. So you spend all your money and energy trying to make yourself acceptable to them. Then later in life the shine wears off and you finally realize that you've wasted yourself on a bunch of crap.Then you pay through the nose a divorce settlement and maybe even alimony! Just say no!

  7. Marriage strike is the way to go!

  8. agree with several of the comments made in this Blog. First of all marriage is too much of a risk for men to enter nowadays. The women of today look at men as walking wallets, they are pure gold-diggers, for women marriage is not looked at as what can I bring but what can I take. Men are seen as retirement plans not life partners. As far as divorce is concerned what is more unhealthy for a child then being brought up in a dysfunctional home full of arguing and abuse. I personally grew up in a home where my parents stayed together because of the kids and I wish they would have divorced because it caused us more harm than good. As far as the way things "use to be done" not all history is good history does anyone remember the Chrusades. Anyone wanna go back to the "old days"! Hell NO!!

  9. I was watching the news last night, and they said a govt. survey estimated 41% of newborns were born with single mothers in 2006

    In 1972 the number was 10%!
    Stat Man

  10. Then there was a woman who said, "I never knew what real happiness was until I got married, and by then, it was too late."

    Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.

    Surfer Dude

  11. That is one bride whose husband would not care if she turned frigid after the wedding ceremony.

  12. More reason for marriage strike!
