Thursday, November 1, 2007

Michael John Anderson Accused of Killing Craigslist Respondent Katherine Ann Olson

A popular country song is about pretending to be some one else on myspace. The Internet is the home of many harmless fantasy lives. Unfortunately, fantasy can quickly turn into danger. For instance, take Katherine Ann Olson, 24, of Minneapolis. She responded to an add on Craigslist (a popular Internet bulletin board) for a babysitting job. Only problem is that the hiring party "Amy" was apparently a 19 year old male killer named Michael John Anderson.

Olson's trip to a home in Savage, Minneapolis turned brutal when she was shot in the back. The 19-year-old suspect, John Michael Anderson, who apparently lived at home with his parents, allegedly stuffed the bleeding Olson into the trunk of her car.

Defense attorney Robert M. Speeter, said: "I think in a case like this, we'll just let the judicial process take its course.”

This was not the first time Olson had taken baby sitting jobs from the Internet. It was however her last. This particular ad was set up by "Amy." Matt Thiede, Olson's roommate believed that Olson had spoke with "Amy" and had commented that ‘she’ seemed "strange." (Insane would have been a better description.) The phone number and address apparently match Anderson’s address and cell phone number. Katherine was the daughter of Rolf and Nancy Olson.

It is possible that there may have been more unsolved crimes linked to use of Craigslist. Investigation continues. In the meantime Legal Pub warns:

1. Ask for references before meeting anyone from the Internet.

2. Verify the references.

3. Meet for the first time in a public place.

4. Bring someone with you when you meet for the first time.

5. Let other's know about the meeting and when you expect to be back.

6. Keep your cell phone handy at all times.

Update 3-16-09: The trial of Michael John Anderson is under way. May justice prevail.


  1. Excellent advice Legal Pub.

    Ex Cop

  2. This was a scary murder.

  3. Me too. Families of victims tend to favor death penalty whereas families of the accused tend to be more divided.


  4. These type of crimes are just waiting to happen! Use common sense. If someone or something sounds too good to be true, it probably warrants major investigation!

  5. such a sad case. Does anyone know what the motive was? If there is such a thing?

  6. Just a cold blooded teenage killer!

  7. Good advice pub master.

  8. John Michael Anderson was either a moran or he wanted to get caught. He left behind a gun, blood splatters and an e-mail trail that directly tied him to the killings. Anderson is charged with second-degree murder.

    The 19-year-old lure Katherine Ann Olson to his home for a fictitious baby-sitting job. Like the coward he is, he shot her in the back, according to the criminal complaint.

    Let his spend eternity in prison if he is found guilty.

    The "significant amount of evidence" investigators found included a .357-caliber Magnum handgun found in Anderson's room and a blood-soaked towel - with Anderson's name written on it - wrapped around Olson's cell phone. They also found records of e-mails and phone calls from Olson, 24, to Anderson.

    During Anderson's bail hearing Tuesday in the basement of the Scott County Law Enforcement
    Michael John Anderson complaint
    Read the criminal complaint
    Center, Anderson sat stone-faced as the judge set bail at $1 million.

    In a jailhouse interview with the Pioneer Press, Anderson was mum on most questions: Did he kill Olson? What will he plea? What do his parents think?

    He did say he had never been arrested before, jail was OK and he and his attorneys needed to look over the details of the criminal complaint before saying anything else.

  9. Murder is not the only thing going down on craigslist:

    Police in Bucks County have charged 12 women after an investigation into prostitutes who allegedly have been advertising on the Web site Craigslist.

  10. Prostitution is one thing. Using Craigslist to kill is another.

    Stomp the madness out like a forest fire!

  11. Actually, bad example, the fires in California kept burning for way too long!

  12. Who wants to be on Michael John's list?

  13. Folks need to use better judgment as to their personal information.

  14. I think the kid is a "killa"

  15. Sick. No other description warranted

  16. This is one sicko

  17. Remembering Katherine Ann Olson. She had not yet lived a full life at just 24. But she was co-valedictorian at her high school in Cottage Grove. She studied theatre at St. Olaf. She traveled the world. Katherine at one point even joined the circus in Argentina. She worked as a nanny in Turkey. Katherine hoped that experience would help find her a job at home in the TwinCities.

    Katherine had used the internet, and Craig's List, to meet people and find opportunities.

    May Katherine be remembered for who she was and not as a foot note to a brutal murder.

  18. Update 3-16-09: The trial of Michael John Anderson is under way. May justice prevail.

  19. He got what he deserved!

  20. Interesting enough. A copy cat killer, Phillip Markoff has used craigslist to rob and apparently kill a girl who had advertised.

  21. Seems like a lot of bad things happen on Craig's list!
