Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Boy Failed To Heed Smokey The Bear's Warning About Playing With Matches -by Legal Pub

Today's education of our youth is clearly deficient. Parents depend upon teachers while teachers depend on parents all resulting in certain fundamental truths not being taught. One such truth is "Thou Shall Not Play With Matches." Now a boy, whose name and age are not public knowledge, has apparently admitted to sparking an October 21st fire according to Los Angeles County sheriff's Sgt. Diane Hecht. "He admitted to playing with matches and accidentally starting the fire," she explained.

The child was released to his parents. It is not clear whether the district attorney will file charges. The fire apparently began near Agua Dulce. It was one of 15 major fires that killed 14 people, destroyed some 2,100 homes and blackened 809 square miles from Los Angeles to the Mexican border. Five people have been arrested for arson during that period. Legal Pub believes all should be prosecuted (the child as a juvenile) and that the public should be forced to watch Smokey the Bear who at the end of all films should say, "Arsonists will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law." This boy and his parents may be held responsible in civil court to pay monetary damages for the 21 homes the fire destroyed. Parents, this is your wake up call! Whether the boy is 10 or 14 it will not likely affect the civil liability. It may affect whether he is charged as a juvenile.


  1. Kids are out of control. Surfer Dude great Halloween updates on Tiffany Sutton and Jose the flesh eating author!


  2. Wake up call? Overdue nightmare. If parents are not going to teach children right from wrong, then hit em where it counts, in the pocket book with civil liability.

    Dollar Bill

  3. Agreed. Legal Pub is so fortunate to have the best comedian on a surfboard (California Surfer Dude) as a regular contributor. In fact, thank you to all the regular contributors without whose help this publication would not be possible.

    You too Dollar Bill! You are directly on point on the potential civil liability of the parents.

  4. 21 homes x $200,000 = $4.2 million dollars!

  5. No, thank you Legal Pub. This site gives me the opportunity to discuss news on an equal footing with Doctors, lawyers, models, actors, actresses, comedians, politicians, news personnel and regular folks.

    I never dreamed that I would be able to interact with actual people who were involved or directly affected by stories. You allow freedom of speech and anonymous posting so that we can speak our mind freely without sacrificing our identity.

    But mostly, thanks for being fair and allowing balanced points of view.
    Thanks so much.

  6. Ditto above Legal Pub.

    Your Secret L.A. Reader

  7. This will only stop with publicized criminal and civil actions against arsonists and their parents (where appropriate.)

  8. Hit em where it hurts!

    Dollar Bill

  9. Lock the arsonists up in a smoke filled room until they suffocate to death.
