Friday, October 12, 2007

Jose Luis Calva Craves Fried Leg of Alejandra Galeana? Cannibal or Lover of Fine Food? Update 10-31

Jose Luis Calva, is an aspiring author of horror stories. He may also be a cannibal and a murderer. He is pictured in the A.P. Photo above being treated by paramedics after he was struck by a car while fleeing the Mexican police. Calva is suspected in the gruesome deaths of three women. Police discovered Calva's girlfriend's torso in his closet, a leg in the refrigerator and bones in a cereal box. He may have been responsible for two other mutilation murders as well. Alejandra Galeana, a 30 year old single mother and pharmacy clerk, had been Calva's girlfriend. She was reported "missing " last Friday. (Unfortunately this was too accurate of a description as dismembered parts of her body were found in the apartment.) Jose Luis Calva apparently admitted to police that he had boiled some of his girlfriend's flesh but that he hadn't eaten it yet. Investigators were trying to determine if the chunks of fried meat found in a frying pan in the apartment were human.

Body parts were found spread throughout the apartment (Spreading oneself too thin?) Calva is being investigated in connection with three mutilated bodies had been found in the city.Police found the draft of a novel titled "Cannibalistic Instincts."

Calva was still hospitalized on Thursday. Galeana's dismembered body was discovered in a closet; a leg and flesh from an arm were in the refrigerator, and arm bones were inside a cereal box, the prosecutor's office said. Calva also a suspect in the mutilation killings of an unidentified prostitute in April and an ex-girlfriend, Veronica Martinez. Coincidentally, Veronica Martinez was also a single mother and pharmacy worker. Martinez's dismembered body was found in 2004. Martinez's body was found chopped to pieces on the city's outskirts.

Apparently Jose Louis Calva had similar taste in girlfriends and in food! With real stories like this, who needs fictional Halloween tales?

Update 10-26: Jose Luis Calva
was arraigned on Thursday on charges of murder and desecrating a corpse. He refused to make a formal plea, saying "I can't get my thoughts together right now." He previously acknowledged killing 32-year-old girlfriend Alejandra Galeana. Prosecutors think he killed and dismembered two other girlfriends, but have not charged him for those crimes.

"He killed her because he was high on cocaine," said defense attorney Humberto Guerrero Plata. "He didn't eat her, he just cut her body up." Calva told police he cooked the flesh to feed it to neighborhood dogs.
10-31 Halloween Update by Surfer Dude:
Update 10-31 Halloween Update by Surfer Dude:

I had a real scary thought. Suppose Jose Luis Calva (alleged girl friend eaterl) and Tiffany Sutton (vampire lady) hooked up. They come home from work.
Tiffany: Jose, you look sad, what's eating you?
Jose: Nothing dear, that would be cheating on you and I would never do that! Here, let me turn on the stove, I will cook you, er.. for you.
Tiffany: That's ok. I really am not hungry, I think I will just have a little drink and turn in early tonight. Besides, I know you are tied up at the moment... Surfer Dude


  1. .

    Halloween or not this is sick! What writing a form of therapy for this sicko?


  2. Ms. Calabaza, here is another man we may want to add to the potential cuties that are out there in the dating pool.


  3. This dude, if guilty, should be given a dose of his own medicine. Take him and Franklin Braddy and put them in a pit together with 100 hungry alligators.

    Any one say din din time?


  4. Looks like he already is bleeding....

    I hear sharks are attracted to blood. Give him a dip in the Gulf.

  5. If guilty is shows a pattern of one sick b*stard!


  6. Sicko! Range me.


  7. Relax. Police found a draft of a novel "Cannibalistic Instincts" . . . he was only doing research. Rule #1: Write what you know . . .

  8. Hey Shell,

    that's a possibility. He does have all his teeth . . .

  9. Ugh! A sick story to post, Legalpubmeister. Please find a story that is a little more appealing to your readers.

  10. Speak for your self Ron. I love this kind of story. It has flair, gore, off colored humor and is very interesting. More Pubmeister, more!

    Harry S.

  11. Hate to say I agree with Harry, but Ditto his comments. This was a great story, just did not know how to comment.


  12. Same for me! What gives with this Ron guy? If you don't like the gruesome real life story go read a comic book.

    Bob P.

  13. Harry S. and Penny,

    I think you guys are wrong, even though your timing is amazing, posting similar thoughts within 60 seconds of each other.....maybe you guys should get introduced, since you are definitely on the same wavelength!

  14. Sorry, but I’ve got to disagree with Ron it that it should be posted. But he’s right…it’s sick!

    I’m not much for “bathing” in exposure to the sickos in this world. But I don’t believe in the “ignorance is bliss” approach either. There are some real bad apples on this planet. Better to know of them than to not. Not knowing is ignorance.

    Lead to sheltered a life and you’ll end up a liberal.

    It’s in finding that happy medium that the challenge usually lays.


  15. I disagree with Ron too! Bleeding heart liberal. I almost posted this am too but the others beat me too it.

    You too could post within a minute if you subscribe to the blog for updates, Mr. Liberal!


  16. Some more gore in for squeamish light weights like Ron:

    ARLINGTON, Texas (Oct. 13) - A man accused of killing his estranged wife and two stepchildren fatally shot himself Friday as he drove into a lake after a nearly seven-hour standoff, police said.

    When a wrecker pulled the submerged car out of Lake Arlington, officers saw that Arthur Jackson was dead and had a head wound, said Arlington Police Lt. Blake Miller. No officers had fired any shots, he said.

    "Obviously, he was a desperate man," Miller said.

    Earlier Friday, Jackson dropped off his bloody but unharmed 3-year-old daughter at an Arlington church. An alarmed worker called police after seeing the child and hearing the man say he had committed a crime at his house, Miller said.

    Fort Worth police then went to the one-story brick house and found the bodies of the woman, her 13-year-old daughter and her 10-year-old son, Draper said.

  17. Legal Pub will feature a story on Arthur Jackson tomorrow courtesy of Ms. Calabaza!

  18. Why did these girl friends stay with this man? Any argument in support of staying does not have a leg to stand on!

  19. Halloween Horror Story!

  20. I had a real scary thought. Suppose Jose Luis Calva and Tiffany Sutton (vampire lady) hooked up. They come home from work.

    Tiffany: Jose, you look sad, what's eating you?

    Jose: Nothing dear, that would be cheating on you and I would never do that! Here, let me turn on the stove, I will cook you, er.. for you.

    Tiffany: That's ok. I really am not hungry, I think I will just have a little drink and turn in early tonight. Besides, I know you are tied up at the moment...

    Surfer Dude

  21. What a hoot surfer dude! You are the bomb!

  22. Here's a revealing interview with alejandra galeana that's worth watching.

    Cannibal Cut woman while ALIVE and Then eat her - Oneness Outflows



  24. What he did is extremely sick. It just goes to show how we need to stop thinking we are the mind. Because the mind can do the worst of the worst things if we let it.

    Here's a revealing interview with alejandra galeana that's worth watching.

    Cannibal Cut woman while ALIVE and Then eat her - Oneness Outflows

    Check out the rest of desteni to learn about the mind and how to stop it

  25. Death is the best way to stop such a wicked distorted mind.

  26. You don't have to kill yourself, Death is not the only solution.

    Research Desteni

    You can stop yourself and all the terribleness in this world you cause without killing yourself.

    Just 1 example: 15 million children (not even counting adults) die from one of the most horrible ways to die - starvation.
    Just google "world starvation"
