Monday, September 10, 2007

Did Kate and Gerry McCann Learn That Parents Are Always a Suspect in Every Child Disappearance Case Now? Update: 5-26-10

Kate and Gerry McCann deny any involvement in the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine. After being named by Portuguese police as suspects in their daughters disappearance, the couple flew home from Faro in southern Portugal with their 2-year-old twins. The couple wanted "to consider the events of the last few days, which have been so deeply disturbing."

Portuguese police named the McCanns as suspects in Madeleine's May 3 disappearance, but did not confiscate their passports. Allegedly, forensic testing revealed traces of the child's blood in the McCann vehicle. The traces of blood were missed in previous testing! The McCanns returned home with the consent of the police.

"We have played no part in the disappearance of our lovely daughter Madeleine," Gerry McCann before the family left for their home. The McCanns have not been charged.
The McCanns say Madeleine vanished from a hotel room in southern Portugal while she and her siblings were sleeping. The McCanns at the time were eating at a nearby restaurant. A previous suspect was Robert Murat, a British man who lived near the hotel. Murat was never charged and insists that he was innocent.

"We thought we were in our worst nightmare but now it just keeps getting worse and worse," McCann was quoted as saying in an interview with the Sunday newspaper, The News of the World. (The McCanns are innocent!)

Update: 9-11-07 The story on DNA
Attorney-General, Pinto Monteiro, has met with Carlos Pinto de Abreu, attorney for the McCanns. New searches were to be conducted south of the Ocean Club where Madeleine disappeared. (There is an area of wasteland and a place where roadwork was being performed. The reliability of DNA evidences is directly proportionate to sample size. What is the DNA evidence that has supposedly been found by the Portuguese investigators?
Portugal newspapers have that “biological fluids” with an 80 per cent match to Madeleine’s DNA were found underneath upholstery in the McCanns’ rented Renault Scenic. Sky News claimed an even more reliable DNA sample was found in the car.

So what does the presence of Madeleine's DNA in the car mean? If it was from a hair follicle or skin cells, probably nothing since it could have stuck to the clothes or personal affects of a family member. The most important issue is the size of the sample. A substantial amount of material is less likely to be from accidental contamination.
Can a DNA sample tell if the donor was alive or dead?
A DNA profile generally does not change just because of death. If DNA has degraded, that can be consistent with death but it may also be due to exposure to the elements.
What is the significance of an 80% match?
That means only 16 of the 20 markers usually used for such analysis matched. Also, twins Sean and Amelie could share a high percentage of the same DNA characteristics. (All three children were apparently born through IVF and it is unknown whether the couple’s sperm and eggs were used.) An 80% match does not mean much in the scientific world. Stay tuned...
9-17-07 Update:
Richard Branson, chairman of Virgin Group, pledged $200,000 on Sunday to help the British couple attempt to clear their name. Charges have never been filed!
9-26-07 Update: Does the photo taken in Morocco show Madeleine McCann? The photo was taken in a place about 210 miles from where Madeleine was last seen.

10-8-07 Update: The McCanns have apparently hired their own DNA expert to review the DNA evidence found in the vehicle. The Government is apparently claiming a DNA match as high as 97% but it is not clear what sample size was used. An innocent hair sample might account for a 99.9% match but mean little since it could have been transported on the clothing of the defendants. In the meantime,
British and Spanish reporters claim to have found the girl suspected of being Madeleine McCann. London's Evening Standard claims the girl is actually a 5-year-old from the village of Zinat in Morocco.

Update 11-8-07
Apparently beautiful, Kate McCann, 39, was named an official suspect by the Portuguse police so that they could question her according to family spokeswoman, Justine McGuinness. (She is beautiful, who would not want to question her?) Police allege that blood found in a car used by the McCann's 25 days after Madeleine was taken is grounds for their suspicion. McCann was apparently questioned for 11 hours. Gerry McCann, who, like his wife, is a doctor, was also to be questioned. Gerry McCann's sister, Philomena, told ITV news that Kate McCann has been offered a plea of two years or less in jail if she admits to accidentally poisoning the child according to ABC News . Don't look for a confession she is innocent!
Update 11-29-07 Preliminary results of U.K. DNA analysis apparently
remains inconclusive. No complete DNA profiles implicate the McCanns.... Tests are still underway and if they are also inconclusive, the case against the McCanns should disappear. In related news, ex-cop Danie Krugel tracked a "forensic route" he believed her kidnapper took from the family's Portuguese apartment through alleyways, roads and paths down to a nearby beach. He used dna and G.P.S. positioning to attempt to plot the abductors route. His findings may support the theory that Madeleine was taken out to sea by boat.
Update 2-21-08: Reports of spotting Madeleine alive in France turned out to not be accurate!

Update 8-6-08: The McCanns are no longer suspects according to the Portuguese police. (They should have listened to Legal Pub along time ago!) Britain's Daily Telegraph and The Sun newspapers both reported that an email obtained by the Portuguese investigators revealed a possible connection between Madeleine's disappearance and a pedophile ring. The email was from a London-based Metropolitan Police intelligence officer to Leicestershire police and states: "intelligence suggests that a pedophile ring in Belgium made an order for a young girl three days before Madeleine McCann was taken."

Update 2-26-10: Carlos Moreira, 65, claims that on the morning of May 4, 2007, he witnessed a blond girl sitting in the back of a truck, wearing pajamas similar to what Madeleine wore. Madeleine vanished from her family's holiday suite in southern Portugal. Kate and Gerry McCann both told police they left their three children sleeping in the hotel while they dined at a nearby restaurant. They returned to find their twins, Sean and Amelie, asleep, but Madeleine, almost 4 years old was gone. Will this develop into a lead?


  1. .

    Maybe all their publicity pissed off the police?

  2. Maybe they really did do it? Why leave your kids sleeping in a hotel room while you go dining?


  3. What a nightmare no matter what the case now!

  4. Mrs McCann peaking around the corner?

  5. I don't believe it. I think this was Portugal's way of getting rid of this couple. It was irresponsible/STUPID to leave their kids alone while they dined, but I don't believe they could pull this charade for 4 months. . . I hope not!

  6. Seems like a far-fetched story to leave the little ones behind while you go out to that really the custom in Europe? I don't think so. My guess is that something else happened, since I doubt they were that stupid to start with, and this will come to light eventually.

    We have seen some incredible charades in the US, remember the search conducted by Scott Peterson for his missing wife?

  7. People seem to be really polarized at both extremes in this case. I question the leaving kids alone by U.S. standards, but that by itself does not necessarily mean they are responsible for the death. It will be interesting to watch what happens on this one...

  8. Excellent DNA Update and analysis. YOu ROck PUbmeister!

  9. Barring a last minute political maneuver, Legal Pub projects that charges will be file against one or both parents within 78 hours. Remember, all suspects are innocent until proven otherwise!

  10. They need Mary Winkler's lawyer!

  11. Wonder how much they will raise for attorneys fees?

  12. Great DNA summary. You made it simple and easy to understand.


  13. NOw we need an analysis of the photo... is it the kid?


  14. If the photo is valid and capable of being dated, it may provide a defense to the McCanns that will satisfy the nightmare inquest.

  15. I think the photo may be a smoke screen put out by the McCann P.R. team. Hope I am wrong, but the timing of the photo is too coincidental for my suspicion.


  16. 10-8-07 Update: The McCanns have apparently hired their own DNA expert to review the DNA evidence found in the vehicle. The Government is apparently claiming a DNA match as high as 97% but it is not clear what sample size was used. An innocent hair sample might account for a 99.9% match but mean little since it could have been transported on the clothing of the defendants.

  17. Mr. McCann has returned to work and suspects no major break throughs any time soon.

  18. Update 11-8-07 Apparently beautiful, Kate McCann, 39, was named an official suspect by the Portuguse police so that they could question her according to family spokeswoman, Justine McGuinness. (She is beautiful, who would not want to question her?) Police allege that blood found in a car used by the McCann's 25 days after Madeleine was taken is grounds for their suspicion. McCann was apparently questioned for 11 hours. Gerry McCann, who, like his wife, is a doctor, was also to be questioned. Gerry McCann's sister, Philomena, told ITV news that Kate McCann has been offered a plea of two years or less in jail if she admits to accidentally poisoning the child according to ABC News . Don't look for a confession!

  19. Update 11-10. This won't make the front page. but according to the McCann website "Donations of £1,095,223.50 have been received by the fund to date."

    That is a great deal of cash.

  20. I think the Portuguese police are just playing a game of "kick the McCann!"

  21. Update 11-29-07 Preliminary results of U.K. DNA analysis apparently remains inconclusive. No complete DNA profiles implicate the McCanns.... Tests are still underway and if they are also inconclusive, the case against the McCanns should disappear. In related news, ex-cop Danie Krugel tracked a "forensic route" he believed her kidnapper took from the family's Portuguese apartment through alleyways, roads and paths down to a nearby beach. He used dna and G.P.S. positioning to attempt to plot the abductors route. His findings may support the theory that Madeleine was taken out to sea by boat.

  22. looking good for the McCanns!

  23. The McCann's have more sympathy now then ever. Shame on the Portuguese Police!

  24. False siting of little Madeleine in South France. Folks will keep looking...

  25. Is there really much hope? Someone knows...

  26. The McCanns may not be killers, but they may still be negligent. The WORST worst case scenario would be that they are responsible for their daughter's disappearance, and they are milking public support for personal benefit (eg. future selling of story to the tabloids). The BEST case for them is that they are innocent and their daughter was kidnapped — although there hasn’t been any kidnapper’s demand, so it’s unlikely that she will be returned.

    Worst case scenarios suck. But just why did they leave this little girl unattended?

    Just Wondering...

  27. Thanks, but our readers are pretty intelligent. Most can do the math themselves.

  28. Update 2-26-10: Carlos Moreira, 65, claims that on the morning of May 4, 2007, he witnessed a blond girl sitting in the back of a truck, wearing pajamas similar to what Madeleine wore. Madeleine vanished from her family's holiday suite in southern Portugal. Kate and Gerry McCann both told police they left their three children sleeping in the hotel while they dined at a nearby restaurant. They returned to find their twins, Sean and Amelie, asleep, but Madeleine, almost 4 years old was gone. Will this develop into a lead?

  29. A brand-new suspect is being sought. Allegedly the suspect has been involved in several other cases involving sexual assault on children

  30. Tan skin, short dark hair. English-speaking but with a foreign accent . He has a slurred speech and a distinctive odor. Why don't they give us a name?
