Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Oops Britney Spears Does it Again: Further Proof Stars Should Give Up Driving and Start Taking Limos

Britney Spears ran into a car that was parked at a Hollywood pharmacy. Then she door dinged a silver Mercedes. Spears was driving her own black Mercedes. As the paparazzi descended, Spears exclaimed, "I'm a brainiac!" Please Brit, tell us something we do not already know. Of course, the internet has video of the incident. But Legal Pub asks, "Why do celebrates continue to drive? Why not take a taxi, limo or hire a driver?"

Furthermore, why do celebrates breed? Britney's bizarre behavior (strip-pole dancing, botched photo shoots, and threatening paparazzi) have called into question her fitness to be a parent. U.S. Weekly reported gossip that she frequently puts soda in Sean Preston's and Jayden James' baby bottles. Britney also allegedly asked a Los Angeles dentist to "whiten her kid's teeth." Sean Preston apparently has dental problems because Britney gives him a bottle of juice all the time to stop him from crying.

Can all this self destructive behavior be good for her children or for the rest of society?


  1. Britney is ok. She is just misunderstood.

  2. Hey Legal Pub, maybe you ought to give her your special message about responsibility and role modeling. Even though I think you are a little harsh at times, maybe you need to be.

    I am still doing "good."

    Your Secret L.A.Reader

  3. Sorry, but all you brats deserve to spend some quality time in jail!

  4. Little Jayden James probably grabbed the steering wheel - C'mon , now, y'all know how hard it is to drive a car with a 2-year old on your lap!

  5. Actually, in the video, Britney is alone. So she can't blame it on anyone but herself. With Cameras everywhere, Britney can't avoid being caught being the poor driver that she is...

  6. YOu are right. Celebs should stay out of cars!


  7. self destructive behavior is always a bad thing for all involved

  8. Why does Britney and the others drive? They can afford taxis and limos and drivers. Duh!!!

  9. Britney needs to hire a driver or get a taxi!
